Animal Crossing Direct Discussion Thread

I absolutely love everything, including the paid DLC for HHD.

* No bulk buying or crafting
* No nook's shop upgrade
* No moving resident services
* No sound options
* anything else I am not thinking of

You'd think with the ceiling furniture, they could at least upgrade the shop one last time.

I wish we have the option of working at the Roost too. I would pick that over HHP because I can't really design anything. Haha

They said this is the last major free content update so I'm still hopeful for free small content updates in the future. 🤞

I'm most excited for storage expansion, ABD, portable storage shed, increase in number of bridges and inclines, permanent ladders, kappn, shops on harv's Island and Shino. She looked so eye catching in the Direct! 😍
i’m literally trembling and unable to form words rn LOL, but the direct was far better than anything i could’ve imagined. i was too excited to catch every single detail of everything shown, but my favourite parts absolutely have to be the mysterious islands, the cooking and new crops, gyroids, FROGGY CHAIR, new villagers, new furniture items and ... oh, who am i kidding? my favourite part was the entire direct. 😆
Not going to lie I have to watch it a couple times over again to fully understand and process everything
No... Words... Just... Kapp'n's... Song...

it's back!!


And like absolutely everything else. I'm completely shocked! Although a little edition in the grand scheme of the update, I'm excited about being about to customize the exterior of homes! I make a bunch of different characters to make different buildings on my island, and changing up the exterior of them is going to add so much!
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Actually they said its the last free major update, I must admit i do not mind paying for DLC but i worry about DLCs content and how much they will give us, for how much and how OFTEN :oops:
Yea, i think they will keep up with paid major update content.Or not lol I will pay for sure haha
That park fountain is to die for !

Captura de pantalla 2021-10-15 a las 15.55.45.png

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Plaza train ? flower bed?

I think i need help my heart can handle all this hahahah

Captura de pantalla 2021-10-15 a las 15.59.19.png
Captura de pantalla 2021-10-15 a las 15.59.55.png
Captura de pantalla 2021-10-15 a las 16.00.12.png
Captura de pantalla 2021-10-15 a las 16.01.02.png
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I absolutely love this update and I think it is super fantastic. I was sitting there in entire excitement the whole time really.

There were two things missing that I was hoping to see though. (Unless I missed them in my excitement)

No upgrade to nooks was announced yet.

The islands kappn takes you to are interesting that they will be different seasons/times of days, but essentially useless for anyone who has their critterpedias already complete. Good for harvesting seasonal items though!

Also boo for no multiplayer minigames still.
This is absolutely amazing
Only thing I'm nervous about is exactly how many new things we can collect and do with our houses and islands o-o I literally just finished it all aaaaaaaa

Now I feel like Nintendo intentionally barely released anything in the updates for a year so they could gather everyone's wishlists in secret and release it all at once
Seriously, they actually listening to us!!! I started screaming when I saw Kapp'n and the ability to now customize Nook Mile Items. And the new fencing...... That park fencing though. I can't... I just can't! I thought we were just getting the Roost and that was it, but they threw in everything but the kitchen sink.

November 5th cannot get here fast enough. I'm still watching the stream. I haven't seen an add to cart option for The Able Sisters or customize the airport.

ok ok OK. ok! wow. favorite parts (I THINK, MIND STILL REELING) were:
1. reese & cyrus being back meaning no more HOURS spent trading for furniture variations!!!! this is also great news for shy players! i have a friend that i've been helping out with catalogue stuff because she's anxious about trading, and now she doesn't have to worry about that! also it's just convenient, so. bless.
2. more crops and cooking! oh my god yes please
3. redecorating villager homes!!!! not gonna lie i was really bummed out for the first half of the DLC announcement because i love the things you can do with it but they truly had me thinking at first that you could only decorate vacation homes... so that last minute reveal that you can spruce up your own home & your villagers real homes nearly had me crying happy tears.
Looks like this set is mainly going to be NPCs. I think my math may be off there but it did say "48 new cards" and since the counter should start at 401 for this set, that means we should end at 449, right? So there's one more new villager (maybe more depending on where the count starts)
Yeah, your math is off. It'd end at 448, as we need to do inclusive counting here to make sure 401 is captured (so 448 - 401 + 1 = 48).


So about this new K.K Album cover. What genre are we thinking this will be...?
Anime K.K Slider was not a concept I thought I would ever see, but here we are.

Could end up the new Bubblegum if it's pop-y enough to catch peoples attention. Has some pop vibes to me at least.
That park fountain is to die for !

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Plaza train ? flower bed?

I think i need help my heart can handle all this hahahah

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I saw that fountain as well and I instantly knew where I want to put on my island. 😍

Honestly though with all these new updates I actually don't know where to begin as my mind keeps going back & forth from what I remember. I mean we can now customise our house exterior to fit our island theme... 🤯
I'm sure the neighbors filed a noise complaint after hearing me watch the Direct... that was really incredible!!! For me, cooking and HHD jobs (specifically the jobs villagers have) were two things I dreamed about getting in ACNH but never counted on, so I'm overjoyed ATM!!! And I made so many dumb froggy chair memes before the game came out, it was amazing that froggy chair was actually added. My partner even recognized froggy chair from my dumb memes even tho he doesn't play AC LMAO.

One thing I was kinda bummed about though is that there's no Observatory? And I was hoping that Harriet would be able to do stuff that we wouldn't, like ombre hair or highlights, but it looks like we can learn everything she does :/

Also no news on the Nooklings upgrade, but maybe that's one of the features that wasn't covered by the Direct.
There is something that i think i didn't catch, are we able to customize our villagers inside home? like the ones living with us in our island?