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Animal Crossing Direct Discussion Thread

Is anyone else hoping that they'll let us use the path-laying feature/tool from the Happy Home DLC in the main game? Manually laying paths can be kind of tedious and it would be amazing to have that feature on my main island!

I did notice a "pro construction license" when they showed the nook terminal in the direct, so I have my hopes up that it'll give us access to a drag-and-drop decorating mode for the outside like they have in HHD/HHP.

The Pro Construction License allows us to create 2 more additional bridges and inclines. If there's more to that, we don't know yet.
Is anyone else hoping that they'll let us use the path-laying feature/tool from the Happy Home DLC in the main game? Manually laying paths can be kind of tedious and it would be amazing to have that feature on my main island!

I did notice a "pro construction license" when they showed the nook terminal in the direct, so I have my hopes up that it'll give us access to a drag-and-drop decorating mode for the outside like they have in HHD/HHP.

I would so love to have this option for our islands! It would be so much easier and I may actually finish planning my island!
Doubtful. If they were coming, they would have most likely tried to sneak them in somewhere in the direct---either by directly mentioning it, or subtly having them in the background, like they did for some of the other new plants.
Maybe they didn't want to give away too much and let us find it for ourselves? Otherwise, I hope they add it in eventually. They said it's the last major free update, but it's still possible for little bits like this to eventually make their way. c:
Maybe they didn't want to give away too much and let us find it for ourselves? Otherwise, I hope they add it in eventually. They said it's the last major free update, but it's still possible for little bits like this to eventually make their way. c:
Unfortunately, the Japanese version of the direct says no more content updates period. So it sounds like they're flat out done giving us content and are only doing patches from here on out. Bummer.
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Okay I just realized this, but they never showed if there was any improvements to our tools breaking or the option to bulk craft. I really hope its in the update by the time it comes out.
On villager dialogue - having periodically but continually run into new dialogue that I only seem to get when my villagers are in their houses (for reasons which don’t make any clear sense to me, but there’s a lot in there,) I’m not sure they really have to add too much more - just changing the priorities so we don’t always get those first in the day outdoor ones and the like and then ‘wow you’ve been talking to me a lot!’ would probably have a big impact. (Except DIY dialogue, that is genuinely very limited by personality type.) There seems to be a ton of dialogue we just… don’t get that often.

On update size: On the one hand, probably fairly large. On the other hand, Nintendo are masters of data compression so there is hope. (Pokemon Sword and Shield were 10.3 GB or so, for reference.) Probably a good idea to get an SD card if you see one, though.
Yes the deeper dialogues seem to trigger right away when they’re at home. When outside, I usually talk to them twice, first to get the small talk out of the way and then the second one I usually get the deeper dialogue that’s 3-4 sentences long.

I was actually surprised the other day because I’ve been playing since launch and I encountered new dialogue. Flora started talking about the origin of the word sentimental and then a conversation with Genji explaining what the transverse abdominis is and how mine looks good😆
Unfortunately, the Japanese version of the direct says no more content updates period. So it sounds like they're flat out done giving us content and are only doing patches from here on out. Bummer.
Well, dang... 😔
Thanks for the correction though.
The Pro Construction License allows us to create 2 more additional bridges and inclines. If there's more to that, we don't know yet.
Hoping there is! The more that I think about it, the more that I am convinced that there HAS to be more to it. The fact that they would make us pay 3000 NMT just to barely increase our island's bridge/incline capacity seems literally outrageous. Fingers crossed that there's more that they're not telling us, because it seems like total nonsense to have to get a whole new permit JUST for that.
Oh I wish we could have roommates in the actual island. I have five characters now, but I would love to have more and just add them to the houses I already have.
Hoping there is! The more that I think about it, the more that I am convinced that there HAS to be more to it. The fact that they would make us pay 3000 NMT just to barely increase our island's bridge/incline capacity seems literally outrageous. Fingers crossed that there's more that they're not telling us, because it seems like total nonsense to have to get a whole new permit JUST for that.

It does sound like a lot for only 2 more bridges and 2 more inclines, but at the same time... I have so many Nook Miles and nothing to spend them on. 3000 feels like nothing when you have over 400k. I'm honestly glad that this update seems to have a whole bunch of things that need Nook Miles.
I would say it is very possible, but don't set any expectations. The Direct does say some features are unavailable when remodeling island residents' homes, such as the interior room's size.

So you can decorate villager homes on your own island? I would pay the $25 for that feature alone. Mine have clothing thrown about in their houses. lol

My biggest worry if that I won't have enough NMTs for everything. I traded A LOT recently and went from having 250,000 NMTs to just about 58,000. Yikes.

The best thing in this update is Harriet's plaza on Harv's Island. The fact that you can now have Cyrus customize furniture is a dream come true.
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The only thing that makes me scared is how pp are saying that nintendo will not make more updates neither free nor payed for AC just minor updates, its like saying after this update we do not need AC anymore we dont care anymore we will work on something else. But i mean its too early for that right ? they will still take care of AC, no? My heart will break if this is all we will se of ACNH
^ Omg it's Gracie Grace!

The only thing that makes me scared is how pp are saying that nintendo will not make more updates neither free nor payed for AC just minor updates, its like saying after this update we do not need AC anymore we dont care anymore we will work on something else. But i mean its too early for that right ? they will still take care of AC, no? My heart will break if this is all we will se of ACNH
People are saying that because of the discussions arising that the Japanese trailer was mistranslated from last/final update to last free major.
Guys. Go to the Home Screen and spam the home button. Then look at the banner each time you press it.
Got a pic?

Btw I was also thinking about a lot of things the Direct left out (I’m assuming, as a way for players to discover on their own). Katrina’s luck system or Brewster and gyroids (there’s a storage and what appears to be an info card on The Roost). Also, it kinda looks like we could have coffee to go, but not sure. Anything else that might have been left out?
I’m glad I’m able to build new homes for villagers outside of my island. I kind of have a few that didn’t quite make it to my island because they had houses that didn’t match. Now I get to bring them back.

I wonder if these houses other people can see. Like how out towns are seen through dream address.
Any word on what time the update will drop? If it’s early in the day I might take a day off from work :)
Any word on what time the update will drop? If it’s early in the day I might take a day off from work :)
Probably whenever the previous updates hit. I think they all came around same time. I recall Smash dlc patches being like Tuesday nights or something, but I forget for NH. I think it was night times though.
^ Omg it's Gracie Grace!

Well don't leave us in suspense, explain!

I'm actually curious about the remaining Amiibo cards from the new set that they haven't shown us. I think there's like twelve we haven't seen. Dare I dream that there are returning NPCs that weren't revealed yet?

EDIT: Scratch that thought because it seems like the returning NPCs that have been revealed don't have new Amiibo cards revealed yet. So they could be in what's left.
There was some sort of metroid thing in one of the houses and I really hope some collab items make a return like Zelda items as a nice suprise. That wpuld just be awesome and I would be really happy