Anyone got Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon yet?

Bulerias said:
MasterDS lite said:
Seeing as the Wii will be about doing what handhelds once did, I don't think this will be a problem. on that Sonic Wii game said:
-70 missions
-Approximatively 10 hours to finish all the missions, and obviously more to obtain all the medals, hidden items, and other bonuses.
-No other playable characters. Only Sonic.
-They shifted from an extremely active gameplay scheme to an oversimplified one because they found the original too tiring. Also according to him, deep gameplays and big adventures don?t suit the Wii philosophy.
-Over 30 mini-games, playable up to four players.
-Possibility to have online downloadable content.
I read that. I really want to hurt all developers who think epic games don't belong on the Wii, since I love epic games. Ah well, this is why it's good being a multiconsole owner... Go Blue Dragon!
360 or PS3?
MasterDS lite said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDS lite said:
Seeing as the Wii will be about doing what handhelds once did, I don't think this will be a problem. on that Sonic Wii game said:
-70 missions
-Approximatively 10 hours to finish all the missions, and obviously more to obtain all the medals, hidden items, and other bonuses.
-No other playable characters. Only Sonic.
-They shifted from an extremely active gameplay scheme to an oversimplified one because they found the original too tiring. Also according to him, deep gameplays and big adventures don?t suit the Wii philosophy.
-Over 30 mini-games, playable up to four players.
-Possibility to have online downloadable content.
I read that. I really want to hurt all developers who think epic games don't belong on the Wii, since I love epic games. Ah well, this is why it's good being a multiconsole owner... Go Blue Dragon!
360 or PS3?
I will be getting a 360 once the price drops, so 360.
Bulerias said:
MasterDS lite said:
But those ones are online.

Pokemon Snap 2 would be a sure thing though, right? :r
So? I want a good singleplayer experience for once.

Pokemon Snap? Don't even begin talking about that atrocious piece of software... Too dang repetitive and not fun after the first 10 minutes.
:| atrocious piece of software? That game was great. So many countless hours of fun. Even if I were to play that game right now it would be fun. I don't know what your'e talking about "10 mins".
Super_Naruto said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDS lite said:
But those ones are online.

Pokemon Snap 2 would be a sure thing though, right? :r
So? I want a good singleplayer experience for once.

Pokemon Snap? Don't even begin talking about that atrocious piece of software... Too dang repetitive and not fun after the first 10 minutes.
:| atrocious piece of software? That game was great. So many countless hours of fun. Even if I were to play that game right now it would be fun. I don't know what your'e talking about "10 mins".
I agree. Pokemon Snap... a classic. :gyroidgrin:
Super_Naruto said:
Bulerias said:
MasterDS lite said:
But those ones are online.

Pokemon Snap 2 would be a sure thing though, right? :r
So? I want a good singleplayer experience for once.

Pokemon Snap? Don't even begin talking about that atrocious piece of software... Too dang repetitive and not fun after the first 10 minutes.
:| atrocious piece of software? That game was great. So many countless hours of fun. Even if I were to play that game right now it would be fun. I don't know what your'e talking about "10 mins".
I agree. Pokemon Snap... a classic. :gyroidgrin:
Ugh. What was so good about it? Nothing... I remember when all of my old neighborhood was crazy about it before it came out, and we were ALL disappointed once we played it... So they sold their copies, I kept mine just for my collection.

You get to take pictures of pokemon, and try to get the best picture you can...I spent so much time trying to perfect Mew. I almost did, I'm off by 20 points >__<
Super_Naruto said:
You get to take pictures of pokemon, and try to get the best picture you can...I spent so much time trying to perfect Mew. I almost did, I'm off by 20 points >__<
I think I managed to get a near-perfect Mew on one of my first tries... I can dig up the exact number of points if you like.
Bulerias said:
Super_Naruto said:
You get to take pictures of pokemon, and try to get the best picture you can...I spent so much time trying to perfect Mew. I almost did, I'm off by 20 points >__<
I think I managed to get a near-perfect Mew on one of my first tries... I can dig up the exact number of points if you like.
Ok, I'll write down my top 10 scores (top 10 pokemon pics) sometime.
I got it

:D yesterday night. I've played it for about 4:30 in the past two days. I would play more but I've had soccer (practices/game) and homework.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I'm stuck in the game, can't get past Team Meanies in Sinister Woods. >_<
I got past that

:D Birng two other people xD I got past that and I rescued Jumpluff...
I beat Zapdos last night, and then about 30 mins ago I beat Moltres. Then about 15 mins ago I beat Articuno on my first try. And now I'm right outside the mountain where you face Ninetails.


1: Can pokemon evolve in this game?
2: Who is the monster at the end of Silent Chasm?
3: Can I ever get Gengar to join my team?
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I'm stuck in the game, can't get past Team Meanies in Sinister Woods. >_<
I was asleep the whole time and my other two teamates beat them so bad


Honestly, this is a game that everyone should get. It may be kiddy with the ^_^, :), :D, and ^_^' but sometimes that is what we need. The story is actually well thought out. It would make a great book :wub:.

One of the best parts about the game is you can train and not get bored because you get missions on the side


HI does anyone know how to beat Moltres(I have been stuck on him for days) I have squirtle at level 16,and charamander he beats charamander in 1 shot what teams did anyone else use that beat him? Thanks Lorraine