Definitely a night owl. Now matter how many times I turn myself back around to a normal sleeping schedule, I always find my way back to staying up the entire night and sleeping during the entire day.
I'd say more of a night owl. I do like staying up late, however, I'm quite lazy because I can go to sleep early, and sleep really late very easily. I can pretty much fall asleep at whatever time of day if I lay down and shut my eyes. I only get up early when I have work though otherwise I sleep past 10.
I'm an early bird, as in I get more things done in the morning, not I wake up at 5am! I just can't stay up late, much less do anything that involves thinking at night. I always find it amazing how people say 'oh yeah I forgot to do the homework until midnight, so I just stayed up until four doing it.'
I absolutely love mornings! They're so beautiful and calm and relaxing and generally lovely, so it's really sad that due to my insomnia I'm definitely a night owl In general though, I'm at my most productive when I can just chill on my own, so basically any time that isn't the middle of the day is great for me! Nights aren't that bad I suppose, I appreciate the cold and the dark a whole bunch (wow how emo) so I guess it works out Maybe one day I will be able to become a morning person! I live in hope!!
probably a night owl but to be honest i sleep a Lot so im not really either one of them atm. if i could id sleep most of the day and most of the night bc i hate being awake
To be honest, I don't consider myself as either. I don't like staying up very late (due to dark circles forming around the eyes. Adding to that, it's just not good for your health in the long run), but I also don't like getting up very early.
Damn it, I just want to go to sleep/get up at a reasonable hour!
I'm an early bird, I like to get up around 6:30-8am and go to bed no later than 10-11pm. I'm most awake/active in the early morning, before about 3-4pm. sometimes my sleep schedule gets outta wack and I stay up late, then I can't function right at all
That's pretty much the time that I also get up and go to sleep (although I still don't personally consider myself as an early bird. I guess it's more of a programmed thing than a "I want to get up at this hour!" thing. If I could sleep in more, I would).
I literally go to sleep the latest I can. I also like to start projects in the middle of the night. Sometimes I just feel like spring cleaning or putting away my clothes at 11 pm. I usually try to go to sleep at 12 am-2am. My body doesn’t allow me to go to sleep sooner. I would go to sleep even later, but I work early, so I have to force myself.
I also like to always choose the earliest shift at work, so I have to get up at 7:30 am. Ideally I like getting up at 11am, but I just don’t like night shifts.
I am a night owl. I like staying up late and getting up late (I have no job) though usually my mom comes wakes me up so I am unable to sleep in as much as I could.
Night owl 100%. I'd like to get up earlier but it just doesn't happen ever, except for work and I'm usually tired af until like noon haha. Why do all creative ideas come to me really late at night!?
I’m kind of both. I like staying up late/being up in the middle of the night because I feel productive then but I also like being up early like around 5am because it’s peaceful and gives me a few hours to do what I want or need to do until the day really “starts”.
I am very much a night owl. I feel so much calmer and more at peace at night and I'm always at my most productive/creative between the hours of 10pm to 2am. And no matter how much or how little sleep I've had, my body never feels fully awake until around noon.
So, if left to my own devices, I would go to bed somewhere around 3-5am, depending on how long it took me to wind down, and wake up around noon each day.
Unfortunately I work first shift, so I have to force myself to go to bed early, toss and turn for at least an hour before maybe falling asleep at 1-2am if I'm lucky, then wake up way before my body is ready.