Are you a night owl or a morning bird?

Are you a night owl or a morning bird?

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on school days, i'm both - i like to stay up late, but at the same time i gotta get up early so i'm not late for school D:

on days off, i'm much more of a night owl. i often don't get out of bed until 11am, and sometimes i've stayed up as late as 4am!

i'd say that i'm a night owl, though - i only really get up early most mornings because i don't have a choice.
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Morning bird. :)
Prefer to wake up early in the morning and sleep early.
However, I occasionally decide to stay up all night. :p (When there isn't school.)
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I am a night owl because I have some trouble to sleep so I always staying very late at night every days... (o?_`o)
Night owl, which bites me in the ass when I have to get up early in the morning >.>
Morning bird for sure! If you want me to go out past 8PM you are going to have to force me, and after 11PM if I am not in bed I get super cranky... I can wake up at 5AM though and be fine! ^-^
Kinda both but not really. Like i stay up but then for some reason the later i stay up the eariler i wake up. I don't like waking up at like 10 or 9 it makes me feel like ive wasted so much time lmao. but 4ever a night owl i love being up at night
I am notoriously difficult to wake up and god help you if I've just managed to fall asleep and you interrupt it I will end you

Insomnia is no joke. Sooo many nights I'm just like "I want to go to sleep. Why can't I sleep" even with a prescription (yes it works, it's not a matter of needing to try something else, my body just resists the hell out of it).

If you can pass out the moment your head hits the pillow and sleep well, be thankful.

I'm up all night erry night :p
I lean more towards night owl. When I was younger, I was able to stay up past 3am without a problem. Nowadays, other things take priority but I do have some evenings where I accidentally stay up. I regret it in the morning. I try to sleep before midnight.

I'm definitely not a morning person. :rolleyes:
I am definitely a night owl. I'll often stay up all night if I've got no plans the next day. Unfortunately, I'm rarely able to get up before noon, and sometimes sleep as late as 5 in the afternoon! I'm quite imbalanced and mornings aren't kind to me, but it's an unhealthy habit I'm slowly trying to kick.
Definitely an early bird. Once the sun comes up, I'm up. Just because I'm a morning person doesn't mean I'm cheery. I'm grumpy morning and night, lol

But to make up for this, when the sun goes down, it's bedtime.
I tend to be more productive in the middle of the day... I'm just non-functional in the morning and I procrastinate a lot at night. I can't stay up as late as I used to anymore
In between I guess? I'm not exactly a morning person, but I don't mind waking up once I'm awake. I tend to get lazier as the day goes on though, so I'm more up to do tasks in the morning and during the day....once night comes I'm just not in the mood to do much except watch youtube or watch my bf play games.
i think i'm a early bird, my body clock wakes me up around 8 or 9 everyday. But idk I think I'm half a night owl too because waking up at 7AM everyday for school makes me s o tired and I hate it. (although mornings are really pretty and I love them)