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Are you a night owl or a morning bird?

Are you a night owl or a morning bird?

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I was a chronic night owl my entire life until I permanently moved in with my husband. Now I am a morning bird (so long as I have enough sleep). Pros and cons to both lifestyles
I'm definitely a night owl. I don't stay up quite as late as I used to, but I still typically don't go to bed until after 12am-1am, and I'm not usually up until around 8am-9am. I like sunrises and everything, but I'm just really slow in the morning, eheh. I also like having a little time to wind down by myself after everyone's gone to bed.
I’m definitely a night owl. I’ve been working the overnight shift or late night shifts since graduating high school. I could never work any morning job.
I think I can be both, but arguably more of a morning bird. i've always been pretty good at going to bed at a reasonable time and then waking up 'early', mostly because it's been somehow drilled into me that waking up beyond a certain point of the morning is a waste of the day. however, I also really enjoy staying up later when everything is more quiet and peaceful so it just depends on whatever my current lifestyle fits around lol
I'm definitely a night owl and when I book time off from work I'm always excited at the prospect of not having to go to bed early and being able to get up a little later the next day. However I'm not someone who can stay up until the early hours of the morning or stay in bed until late afternoon, I still like to enjoy the whole day rather than just portions of it.
I can’t vote because I’m neither of these. I sleep and wake up whenever I feel like it.
I'm definitely more of a night owl and stay up well past midnight. I have never been a morning person ever in my life and have always hated having to wake up early for school (when I was in school) and work, lol
I use to be a morning bird in high school and really liked waking up early, but then I became a big night owl in college. Now that I am working I have to get up early and I am back to being a morning bird which is totally fine with me, but sometimes I miss being a night owl 🦉
My job kind of requires me to be an early bird, as my days start at seven. Even on Friday nights I conk out maybe an hour or two later than I would during the weekday (so ten or eleven o'clock instead of nine o'clock). I miss being able to pull all-nighters, but it's probably more healthy for me that I can't!
Night Owl for sure
Sometimes I wake up early if I fall asleep early, but usually I can't stay awake early mornings usually. I prefer night in general :>
I'm a night owl! My body naturally resets into being nocturnal if I don't keep it in check 😓
I used to be a night owl. It was only when I started having insomnia that it started to effect my circadian rhythm in a bad way. Oversleeping during the day or the lack of sleep when I woke up became issues. I started going to bed earlier and in the process I woke up earlier. Now I feel much better than before.
I naturally wake up between 6 am to 7 am pretty much every morning. I didn't used to be this way. Right out of high school I was the opposite. I was staying up until 3 am and waking up around noon. But that's just physically impossible for me now. I can't remember the last time I slept in past 8am.

So morning bird. But don't expect me to get up any earlier than the above, or I will be really grouchy. lol
I've always been a night owl. I always struggle to wake up in the mornings regardless of the amount of sleep I've gotten. A few years ago I even worked alternating 12 hour shifts. So either 7:30am - 7:30pm for the day shift or 7:30pm - 7:30am for the night shift. I always struggled so much more with the day shift. I'd always be sleepy on the job and taking naps during my breaks. Meanwhile during the night shift I was always wide awake and even took things to do during my breaks. I also slept better after a night shift even though it meant sleeping during the day from approx. 8:00am - 5:00pm