• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Are you good at making friends? (Real Life!)

Are you good at it?

  • Awesome!

    Votes: 17 7.1%
  • Not bad at all!

    Votes: 31 12.9%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 58 24.2%
  • Not good.

    Votes: 50 20.8%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 84 35.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 25, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Friday the 13th Candy
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Pastel Disco Ball Easter Egg
Nightmare Easter Egg
Purple Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Blue Mote of Flame
Yes, I made another thread of this but I didn't add other poll options!

I have ONE friend that is really sweet and popular. My BEST FRIEND has been ignoring me. I feel terrible! It makes me feel ugly and stinky. I really want this to be solved. :( :,(
Like I said before, it's okay, I guess.

I have a cluster of 5 friends and we hang out every day.
Yep. I have around 15 close friends. We hang out every day, and I talk with a lot of them.
I love socializing and talking with people too.
If I wanna make friends I can,Just people are such a holes these days,or they have their own group of friends,or they are really annoying and crack stupid jokes so I get maddddd

Other than that I hang out with a girl on Wednesdays,and a group of 3- 4 people on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday.
They're cool,glad I ditched that weeb.
Not really, it really hard to make friends for me but when I moved I strayed making more!(I guess Americans are nicer than Germans, which is probably why some of them don't like me).
No I'm terrible at it, I only have 2 friends on acnl, one has been my friend for over a year but for some reason has been ignoring me and never wants to hang out, but my other friend has been nice and we hang out more
Not really, it really hard to make friends for me but when I moved I strayed making more!(I guess Americans are nicer than Germans, which is probably why some of them don't like me).
That's because you are new. The people I go to school with treat me like s***. I don't want to go to Middle School.
as i said before, im too shy and nervous to make close friends anymore really. i only had em in highschool. i also never go out lel
Hell no.. I'm so awkward. I'm really good at ending conversations.

Also, I hate when I meet new people because I'm not as confident to talk to them so I never start the conversations with strangers. So I'm only a conversation starter with friends/close friends.
I definitely used to be, back in my high school/college days when I was frequently around people who were close to my age. I always enjoyed talking to people and had a pretty large and diverse social circle. Sadly, most of the people I was close with through my teens and early 20's have either moved away or chosen a very different path for themselves, which makes it difficult to stay in touch or to maintain any semblance of a friendship outside of the occasional Skype chat.

I feel as though it's become increasingly more difficult to establish new friendships as I've gotten older, probably due to the fact that I have a demanding job and don't get out nearly as much as I used to, so I'm very rarely around anyone new. I also feel like I hesitate to give people a chance these days, because I hold people to what's apparently an impossible standard and inevitably end up let down by them. So while it's always been easy for me to make IRL friends, I rarely open myself up to it anymore.

In short, yes. I'm pretty good at making friends and can find common ground with nearly anyone. It's just not something I actively pursue anymore. :)
Nope, I never know what to say >.< plus I'm really imaginative so I'm always daydreaming which makes me quiet, so ppl think I'm shy even tho I'm not or weird :/
lol no..
i used to have like 3 friends who i hang out with everyday until 1 of my friend got a bf and decided to like kinda 'leave' the group and hang out with this dude 25/8. but i think there's some girl joining in this group of friendship,

but i have other friends i don't hang out with but i can talk to them normally & consider them friends
I make friends if I want to, but there aren't many people who share my interests/catch my attention, so I only have a small circle of friends. I'm happy with having only a small number of close friends. :)
I am terrible at making friends, because I'm socially awkward. Also, I say sarcastic things all the time, but I don't see why people don't like sarcasm, it's hilarious.
i'm fantastic at making friends, i've had to make friends in 5 of my classes this year because i didn't know anyone.