Both my buildings are placed very far west on my island. Now that I've seen several other islands, I wish they were closer to the middle so that I could make a cut entrance area with cliffs and everything. But with where my airport is placed, there really isn't room for that. It would also be hard to do that and connect it to resident services because it's not directly ahead of the airport.
I wouldn't reset over it, but if I could have built my island map, I wouldn't have chosen that placement.
I’m content where they are. They both are near my entrance so I was able to build around them well. I am considering moving Nook’s, Able’s and the houses there, but am waiting to see if we get any more buildings first.
I've never had a problem with my building placements on my base island. I've never felt like I had to 'settle' or 'work around them', and my decorating fell into place without much issue.
When I started my second island I specifically sought out one specific map for the RS. At first I thought that airport was too far to the right but it actually couldn't be more perfect!
i personally would like to be able to move my RS. it's the only thing that i'm forever annoyed with in terms of placement on my island. i want to be able to have the ability to make an entrance and i can't do that with my extremely close to the airport RS. it's just a personal preference though.
I like where my Airport is, but not Resident Services . Looking back, I wish I could have picked a better map in terms of where the RS was placed, but I hadn’t put too much thought into it when I started the game. I’ve had to kind of work around where it’s at, so it hasn’t been too bad, but definitely not ideal for me.
Both my airport and my resident services are pretty central and are in good position compared to one another to allow me to make an entrance area to link them up so for the most part I'm happy with them but if I was able to move one then I'd move the airport to the left by one or two tiles so that they lined up directly, it isn't something I'd restart for but move if the option came up.
My airport is right in the center and I like it like that. But my Resident Services is slightly offset from it, which I find so annoying. I wish it was straight back, but the same distance away.
Honestly I really like how close my resident services building is to the airport. All my other buildings are good where they are. I haven’t considered moving anything tbh.
I'm not much of a layout guru. I don't even do terraforming except occasionally changing something about a river or a cliff to better fit inclines or maybe make just a little more room to place something. My RS is north-east of my airport, and overall I like the way that I've laid it all out.
I've sort of grown used to how they're placed, myself. My airport opens straight onto my plaza and resident services which, in hindsight, might not have been such a good idea but I do think I made it work with the way I placed everything else so I don't think I'd want it changed.
I kind of like where they are. It is fun to have a bit of a challenge to work around. Would it be cool if everyone could move them where they want? Sure, but I liked how everyone was super creative with the way they worked around NL's limitations. In the same way they work with NH's limitations like using hats for desserts.
It shows how smart and creative people can be and that these limitations don't stunt their creativity.
I wish my airport was just one tile to the right, or my resident services one tile to the left. Then my island would be perfect. As it is, my entrance has a curve when it could jut be a straight road.
My resident services building and airport aren't centered on the map, and RS is pretty close to the airport, but the pathing lines up for my plaza so I'm pretty satisfied with it.
I hate my resident services placement. It's awkwardly placed off to the side, and I wanted one in the center. I could reset, but I've gone through to much just to start over. The airport is fine, I have no problem with it. It's perfectly aligned with my island's entrance.
My resident services is a straight shot from my airport, just a few tiles to the right. I like having them so close and not centered because it gives me a straight path to my house at the back of the map.
I did not reset for a particular map. I remember when I first got the game I chose the most appealing to me just to get started lol. I'm happy with the placement of my RS and airport and I would not change anything.
I'm fine with the placements. I reset for so long until I found a island which had everything I wanted, including the right spots for both the RS and airport. I may would move the RS however a tiny bit if it would be possible, but otherwise I can work with it.
i reset a loooooooot to get specific things in my town in the beginning, but of course we didn't know then what a good airport/RS placement was as well as we do now so i ended up with them being really far away from each other. this unexpectedly grew on me though, i'd be a little annoyed if they were closer together but not perfectly lined up, and moving away from the perfectly aligned entrance made me think of a more creative solution so now i have a lil market walkway at the bottom of my island that i'm really happy with!
I'm OK with them as they are. I think I was very lucky with my map. Resident services felt a bit weird at 1st because it is a bit to the left when entering the island from the airport, but I got used to it!