can we end this phase early? ya'll are hopeless and mafia is swimming along in our wasted day phase to lynch someone who tried to townside by outing their real role rather than claiming VT.
I second the motion
can we end this phase early? ya'll are hopeless and mafia is swimming along in our wasted day phase to lynch someone who tried to townside by outing their real role rather than claiming VT.
idk why you guys think Panda is actually Survivor. She would’ve desperately been breadcrumbing her role flavour and whatnot and she kinda just, gave up.
And Survivor is actually a pretty smart claim bc in all my mafia time here I’ve never seen a Survivor get lynched bc they’re usually believed. But I guess we’re lynching her here bc her death isn’t a threat to town I guess? so
but yeah, friendly neighbour? lawl
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Also we can’t speend day unless Ryumia votes so
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Actually her flipping Survivor would be more beneficial, fingers crossed!!1
Survivors can be either mafia or town aligned, how do we know which she is?
Survivors can WIN with either Town or Mafia. They are 3rd party, a seperate faction / alignment to either Town or Mafia.
All 3rd parties are seperate like that, and having a different Win / Con to Town or Mafia factions / alignments.
IMO scum is in Amanda/Panda/Dad/Ryumia/iLoveYou
Panda flipping Survivor would be good bc it means 3/4 remaining is scum rather than 2/4
idk why Heyden is straight up discounting Antonio but okay.
And I can kinda agree that Panda seems like she is legit survivor townsiding by self-voting if it creates clarity and if she were maf I don't see why she would do that outside of just not wanting to reveal who she aligns with and against any further, but yeah it would bring their KP down when they go from 3 to 2 so the self-vote would be very anti-maf-team.
Also, Vanessa, noted. I don't think I have replaced into a blue on tbt before, just replaced into either a VT or a mafia and their actions are already in a qt. And whatever on the note of who you protected last night, seems like the consensus is a Panda lynch.
Tbh I kinda think it is clearer to me now and the reason I wanted it is because it would say something about Heyden, but Heyden continues to sus her when she is obvious probably. Unless she did panic and mafia just said to hell with their KP and told her to let her lynch herself.
Also lol a Ryumia modkill would kinda help tbh. Her not being around concerns me if just because this is the day I expect even coasty maf to be around.
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Anyways bbl