Mafia Call the Ships to Port: Game Thread - END GAME - TOWN VICTORY!

I like Trundles reads, and largely agree with them (except on how Ghost/Punchy relate to each other), and they actually did make me think that ILoveYou was town. ILoveYou does genuinely believe that lynching inactives is the best move, and honestly, as scum, I feel that she would accept the new meta rather than try to argue away from it to lynching inactives. Basically, I feel that her arguing comes from a town place and that she’d be willing to accept the change as scum

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Cover what up?

Ness which one of your reads is the strongest of those?

and thoughts on me, you missed me

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also whats the point of all your stuff on punchy? you pointed out how much of an idiot he is, but idk what your stance is on him

Thats because I chose not to point you out. It's not a reads list, I'm putting thoughts out there for discussion. The punchy parts aren't just me generally expressing grievances I have with his posts.

I've never been a big fan of posting reads so early on day 1 because of how easily it is to change, there's not much to organize a case on. At most, I'm townleaning Dolby and iLoveYou I guess?
Thats because I chose not to point you out. It's not a reads list, I'm putting thoughts out there for discussion. The punchy parts aren't just me generally expressing grievances I have with his posts.

I've never been a big fan of posting reads so early on day 1 because of how easily it is to change, there's not much to organize a case on. At most, I'm townleaning Dolby and iLoveYou I guess?

thats hideously weak af
other than that noonces done anything obviously scummy yet, just a few weird things like toms kinda memey posts and fireninjas weird omgus in defense of ness thing, but idk their meta yet so that could be normal. gotta look over old games when im free, theres so many new people and vets i havent played with b4

That actually crossed my mind too about Tom. All he did so far was post a meme and help a nub player out. I can't even comment further than that on him because that is all he provided us with.

Ness I will happily reply to your post in the morning ( my time ).
In what way, toady. I'm willing to play hard ball but you're in for a long night you want to argue I've something you are clearly missing.

whats the effing point of posting that long list of stuff when it isn't going to have a result... no one is expecting you to be perfect, if you have a bunch of observations its gotta be influencing you on something

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Tom as not helpful and appearing scummy is pretty much him. We lynched him as a blue role in one game I remember... I forget which one it is
whats the effing point of posting that long list of stuff when it isn't going to have a result... no one is expecting you to be perfect, if you have a bunch of observations its gotta be influencing you on something

The "point" is that I am probing responses for discussion. I have no influencing reads, I am asking questions to plenty of people. If you even read the parts about Mog, Tom, Dolby and Trundle, you can clearly see that I am probing more from those players in particular, since I find that some of the things they've said should be expanded on. The parts about iLoveYou is me contributing to the discussion of "to lynch nubs or not to lynch nubs".

Admittedly, I could have just kept the parts about Punchy out, but to me it seems like you took only the parts about punchy and called it a day.

Here is a question for you so you can gain half of an understanding of what I'm saying: What is YOUR stance on punchy? Why were you questioning him so hard when as you've said most of those posts are him being an "idiot".

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And what do you think might come from asking players questions Toad? Reads. Questions, speculation, and analysis in that order is the entire purpose of this game.
The "point" is that I am probing responses for discussion. I have no influencing reads, I am asking questions to plenty of people. If you even read the parts about Mog, Tom, Dolby and Trundle, you can clearly see that I am probing more from those players in particular, since I find that some of the things they've said should be expanded on. The parts about iLoveYou is me contributing to the discussion of "to lynch nubs or not to lynch nubs".

Admittedly, I could have just kept the parts about Punchy out, but to me it seems like you took only the parts about punchy and called it a day.

Here is a question for you so you can gain half of an understanding of what I'm saying: What is YOUR stance on punchy? Why were you questioning him so hard when as you've said most of those posts are him being an "idiot".

don't turn this on me... and don't try to play mediator discussion master. You are usually very strikingly forward as town, so thats why I find this all strange from you. You also posted that stuff and intended to just leave, did you plan to respond to all responses when you got back?

And what I'm referring to is that you posted all of that and not anywhere did you really say whether someone was townie or scum for their actions. Everything was "strange", commented on a stance, or mocking/sarcastic....

stop trying to act all high and mighty too. Its annoying to me, if you really want analysis and speculation like you are saying was the whole point of that post... here it is. Now lets have a discussion rather than you avoiding my points and trying to flip this on me
don't turn this on me... and don't try to play mediator discussion master. You are usually very strikingly forward as town, so thats why I find this all strange from you. You also posted that stuff and intended to just leave, did you plan to respond to all responses when you got back?

And what I'm referring to is that you posted all of that and not anywhere did you really say whether someone was townie or scum for their actions. Everything was "strange", commented on a stance, or mocking/sarcastic....

stop trying to act all high and mighty too. Its annoying to me, if you really want analysis and speculation like you are saying was the whole point of that post... here it is. Now lets have a discussion rather than you avoiding my points and trying to flip this on me

I am literally not dodging your points. I already explained to you that I am setting up a post for discussion later. I don't know how you expect me to explain to you that I am getting more from players so that I can set up a future read of them within, i dunno, the next 24 hours? I thought I made it clear after American Politics Mafia that I was done with the whole "oh look at me I'm super aggressive!" sort of thing because I don't think it is a very effective way of finding scum.

1. Yeah, after a reread of the post I didn't say something like "I find ___ suspicious for this", I'm not talking in third person reads list. I thought I made it pretty clear that Mog/Tom left a poor taste in my mouth, so there you have it: I find Tom and Mog suspicious. This is part of the reason why I wanted Trundle to expand more on the Tom read.

2. Yes I did plan on responding to the messages later, because that is how you set up a future post for discussion and suspicion. Nothing in the thread at this time has alarmingly stood out to me as "Wow that is mega sketch we should be on that person ASAP". What, do you expect me to come back here after 7 hours with a post that shows names in green and red with no substance behind it?

3. I actually said something about each of my things be it "I think they're strange" or not. I am not here saying "Soso is scum, Soso is townlean, soso is probably town" like some other players have done in the last 5 hours.

If it warrants a scumlean from you for a post that I was spending time going through to find quotes I thought needed to be commented on, then so be it. I just don't know how you expect me to explain to you that I don't find anyone insanely scummy at this second and I'm making a clear attempt to get other players to expand on things I want to see more on.

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This is just bickering at this point, god damn
You all are invested in impressed. Ok gn
k then I'll be waiting, i better be wowed af

1. If you are wiling to now say that Tom/Mog are suspicious, why wouldn't you just answer my original question of what you ultimately thought of punchy ten minutes ago. Why is that read the most important lol. If you're post was "pretty clear" then why is it pulling teeth to get you to just outright say what you thought. This started because I asked you what you thought of punchy since you had a lot to discuss about him, but you blew up and started being defensive AF.

2. condescending thank you for that. I asked you originally what you thought of punchy, and you tried to turn it around and be all "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF PUNCHY HMMMMMMMMM", I understand your line of thought perfectly because thats exactly what I set up to do too. I questioned and pushed punchy to get content for people to judge on...

3. I didn't say list out reads. I said if you are gonna list a bunch of bullet points of observations, you better have an inkling one way or the other associated with them, otherwise its generating content for sake of being seen. Which the fact that you posted all that and then intended to leave also points to.

damn straight I scum lean you, you avoidant little thing
k then I'll be waiting, i better be wowed af

1. If you are wiling to now say that Tom/Mog are suspicious, why wouldn't you just answer my original question of what you ultimately thought of punchy ten minutes ago. Why is that read the most important lol. If you're post was "pretty clear" then why is it pulling teeth to get you to just outright say what you thought. This started because I asked you what you thought of punchy since you had a lot to discuss about him, but you blew up and started being defensive AF.

2. condescending thank you for that. I asked you originally what you thought of punchy, and you tried to turn it around and be all "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF PUNCHY HMMMMMMMMM", I understand your line of thought perfectly because thats exactly what I set up to do too. I questioned and pushed punchy to get content for people to judge on...

3. I didn't say list out reads. I said if you are gonna list a bunch of bullet points of observations, you better have an inkling one way or the other associated with them, otherwise its generating content for sake of being seen. Which the fact that you posted all that and then intended to leave also points to.

damn straight I scum lean you, you avoidant little thing

You have a very warped sense of whats right here, honestly kinda want to see you lynch me just to watch you groan to see me flip town.

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honestly? i'm both wiped out and pissed because this is bull****, hallelujah, good night
for 2 note I specifically pushed punchy because he has a track record of being distracting... I think I made that pretty clear with my posts too. If I can put the fear of god in him to get him to crack or straighten up as town, then great for us.

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You have a very warped sense of whats right here, honestly kinda want to see you lynch me just to watch you groan to see me flip town.

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honestly? i'm both wiped out and pissed because this is bull****, hallelujah, good night

lol, read over my question, your reaction, and my argument tomorrow. Your post was weak and you would rather fight tooth and nail than admit I had a point.

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and if you can't make a read on punchy and ness after all this, you are a scum lean from me.

Buenos noches
k then I'll be waiting, i better be wowed af

1. If you are wiling to now say that Tom/Mog are suspicious, why wouldn't you just answer my original question of what you ultimately thought of punchy ten minutes ago. Why is that read the most important lol. If you're post was "pretty clear" then why is it pulling teeth to get you to just outright say what you thought. This started because I asked you what you thought of punchy since you had a lot to discuss about him, but you blew up and started being defensive AF.

2. condescending thank you for that. I asked you originally what you thought of punchy, and you tried to turn it around and be all "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF PUNCHY HMMMMMMMMM", I understand your line of thought perfectly because thats exactly what I set up to do too. I questioned and pushed punchy to get content for people to judge on...

3. I didn't say list out reads. I said if you are gonna list a bunch of bullet points of observations, you better have an inkling one way or the other associated with them, otherwise its generating content for sake of being seen. Which the fact that you posted all that and then intended to leave also points to.

damn straight I scum lean you, you avoidant little thing

1. You asked me what I thought about Punchy. You never said anything about anyone then punchy
2. Look whos actually being condesending here, calling me "high and mighty" when you're just being a douche, i asked you what you thought about Punchy because I was going to use that as an example of what I was trying to say
3. I posted that because it was literally a list of thoughts i had why the hell can't you understand that

i'm mad, embarrased, and upset and i'm going to bed
1. I said punchy because you said the most about him and didn't seem connected to a read at all. Seemed strange, hence why I questioned.
2. you get what you give. Don't start talking down to me in post #146 when I never said anything about you except in reference to your posts. And if you want to, be able to get called back out on it.
3. thoughts that didn't seem connected to making scum leans or town leans... I've said thats been my issue with them the whole time
1. I said punchy because you said the most about him and didn't seem connected to a read at all. Seemed strange, hence why I questioned.
2. you get what you give. Don't start talking down to me in post #146 when I never said anything about you except in reference to your posts. And if you want to, be able to get called back out on it.
3. thoughts that didn't seem connected to making scum leans or town leans... I've said thats been my issue with them the whole time

I never said jack to you that was aimed at talking you down, you decided to take everything too far and act like you're some big man and put me down. I was upset because I was trying to explain it to you, but nothing I say matters anyway, because none of it is apparently connceted to making scum leans or town leans when I keep saying that it was probing for more answers

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here you are, humiliating me over something that I've said that should be over with, i can't explain myself without hearing "don't act like you're right here" or "lol you're so scummy, condesending, blah blah"
Ness said:
Here is a question for you so you can gain half of an understanding of what I'm saying

Ness said:
And what do you think might come from asking players questions Toad? Reads. Questions, speculation, and analysis in that order is the entire purpose of this game.

im not gonna try to out victim you. This lost all sense of utility to this game. Don't say I didn't understand you because it was both ways...
loooool ya'll are really going at it, this'll be interesting to catch up to
I think I need to leave this game...I broke the zero tolerance rule

Eh this is pretty tame tbh, as well as we geneuinely like each other when we're not in mafia lol.

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loooool ya'll are really going at it, this'll be interesting to catch up to

The spark notes version is that ness is more than likely town
i guess i should do rqs now even if i think its kinda useless idk

1. What is your timezone? AEST

2. How active will you be this game? not very rn but ill try and step it up later

3. Preferred pronoun? garbage/trash/he

4. Do you prefer being town or being mafia? town bc im trash as mafia lmao

5. How do you handle pressure? noones really pressured me much in all my two games so idk yet

6. Which player(s) in this game can you read the best? i havent played enough games to get a lock down on my interactions and feelings about people yet so im gonna say myself

7. Which player(s) in this game can best read you? ^

8. How many games have you played? 2, unless u count the ones from 3 yrs ago which i dont

9. Who would you fearkill N1? probabky just one of the generally accepted good players, like dolbt or ness or smth idk

10. Will Ness answer this RQS? ur a big memer arent u : )