Camp Bell Tree 2021 Has Ended!

Congratulations to the Poliwags! Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you staff for an amazing 3 week event!

Thank you to my fellow Buzzy Bees for being so fun and working so well together! I hope you all buzz by to say "Hi!" now & then. The Campgrounds may be gone but our Hive will live on forever! 🐝🐝🐝

(I'm a little worried about the ghosts that were in our cabin. I hope they found somewhere safe before the cabin was destroyed. I hope they can find someplace new to haunt.

Brr... the air around me just got chilly. What's that? Hm... I could have swore I just saw something out of the corner of my eye. Oh, well.)
This event was super fun, and I’m really proud of my teammates for managing to hold on to that lead until the end!

(Also, I totally called that *a* cabin would be burning down, but I’m surprised to see that it was the Melons’ rather than my own.)
So now that we're able to see all the pictures, I've gotta say.. I have no idea how the Buzzy Bees managed to choose a flag. I love all of them, they are so cute :love:
I already went to sleep when the closing ceremony began lol. Anyway, now that the results are in, I made a results screen in Formula 1 style! Yes, I know it doesn't fit in with the camping theme.
Camp TBT Final Standings.PNG

F1 leaderboard 2021.PNG
Here it is! I decided to make a results screen based on F1. If you look closely, I even incorporated each cabin's colour! I am aware, though, that the word font is not 100% accurate due to technical difficulties that just made things harder than they needed to be. Actually, I started making this yesterday since I knew the results would come and that it would take me some time to put things together. What do you think? Looks pretty close, eh?

As for the event itself, I don't know where to begin! I'm gonna be sad when these threads related to the event are going to be gone soon. There are just too many memories made that's worth doing so. Oh, but I don't want to dampen anyone's spirits. I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to the staff for putting this all together for us to have fun for three weeks. The Go Fish! Oarfish! minigame is really fun and I hope Mistreil keeps it up even beyond the event.

And I want to say congratulations to all the teams participating in the event! Evergreens and especially The Crystal Ballers gave us a run for our bells. I'm pretty sure this has brought out the best of us in making submissions (and getting headaches for wildlife/birdwatching spotting lol). Of course, I wouldn't forget our fellow Poliwag members who helped us get to the top! Every single one of you made this possible. I really didn't expect to finish in this position and get a pearl for our efforts. Thanks, Poliwags! I'll accept this as a late birthday present! 💙

And before I sign off, I want to share a (horribly made) meme in relation to the birdwatching/wildlife spotting task:
Camp TBT meme.jpg

It's been an awesome time being with you all. I've made so many memories during this event. 😊
The Go Fish! Oarfish! minigame is really fun and I hope Mistreil keeps it up even beyond the event.
I will indeed keep it up indefinitely! I'm glad people have been enjoying it ✨

Also now that everyone's played it: for the people that didn't know how to access Oarchris mode, just click on the tiny
at the corner of the screen (volume warning, by the way: there's audio!)
A bit of backstory for this mode: Chris is really bad at the game, so I threw it in as a joke. LaBelleFleur gave me the idea to speed the audio up since I joked about adding Baby Park's theme in 😂
that was a super fun event! 🔮 ✨
im so happy i won first in the aquarium build event it was really so much fun to work on 🥺
i even build more stuff around it afterwards.
i really have to say i especially appreciate two things about this event:
1. the unlimited collectibles in the shop.
it was always a struggle to get the collectibles you want even if you have enough tickets/tokens so it was really nice not having to worry about that and just enjoy everything at your own pace and also waiting for the right moment to buy it for your line up!
2. i love looove the animal crossing build events!
(especially the outside ones but thats just a personal preference) i always feel so inspired to work on my island after these and they give me great ideas that i almost always want to keep!
thank you stuff for this really amazing event! i feel like there was something fun to do for everyone! ❤
I am so, but so glad I joined for this event! :D
All the games and activities were so entertaining and funny, even those I couldn't participate personally in, I still enjoyed and commented a lot. So many different ideas, accompanied by stunningly beautiful art and details. The people in my cabin were so friendly and supportive to me, I really felt close to them. But even people from the other cabins as well, despite being rivals we all played together nicely.
The memories I made from this three weeks had helped me greatly emotionally. I honestly didn't expect to enjoy it this much. I'm very, very grateful to all of you, staff and participants equally :cry: (This a happy cry!)
Also now that everyone's played it: for the people that didn't know how to access Oarchris mode, just click on the tiny
at the corner of the screen (volume warning, by the way: there's audio!)
A bit of backstory for this mode: Chris is really bad at the game, so I threw it in as a joke. LaBelleFleur gave me the idea to speed the audio up since I joked about adding Baby Park's theme in 😂
That was literally the only version I could even vaguely do lol :cry:
Time to write some more coherent thoughts,

THANK YOU to all the staff for making a wonderful event! I loved how there was a new themed area to explore each week, the fun lore around the camp, the unique events, basically just everything about this event was marvellous! The gallery is also AMAZING and I'm having so much fun looking at everyone's entries! 💙

Congrats to all my fellow Poliwags! We all worked really hard for this and it definitely paid off. 🏆
A bit of backstory for this mode: Chris is really bad at the game, so I threw it in as a joke. LaBelleFleur gave me the idea to speed the audio up since I joked about adding Baby Park's theme in 😂
Just casually shame me why don't you.

Although everyone who watched TBTWC streams knows I'm terrible at games already so...
I will indeed keep it up indefinitely! I'm glad people have been enjoying it ✨

Also now that everyone's played it: for the people that didn't know how to access Oarchris mode, just click on the tiny
at the corner of the screen (volume warning, by the way: there's audio!)
A bit of backstory for this mode: Chris is really bad at the game, so I threw it in as a joke. LaBelleFleur gave me the idea to speed the audio up since I joked about adding Baby Park's theme in 😂

holy poop I did way better this time lol
Thank you staff for hosting yet another fun event! 😊
I was hoping we'd be able to look at everyones entries for each of the three areas, so I'm glad that all the threads are now open for everyone to see. :0 As an artist I definitely loved looking through the Bookful of Bugs and Aquatic Album the most, but I've also enjoyed looking at people's shadow puppets for Stories in the Shadows and the Oceanside Aquarium builds. ^^

Congrats to the Poliwags! I'm happy with Evergreen managing to place third as well too. And ofc huge shoutout to all the other cabins, ya'll have some really amazing entries, and at the end of the day I'd say that the time and effort you put in is more important than how many points you earn. :> It was fun to work together with a team and I'm glad I got to know some of my teammates better, as well work with some familiar faces!

I was really touched to see @xSuperMario64x and @Mr.Fox 's messages/posts congratulating me on my arowana painting too, you guys are both so sweet and seeing you guys that happy to see that I won really melted my heart (as cheesy as that sounds)! I knew Aquatic Album was my only chance too, as art is like... my only strong point for any event, and I joined very late for Bookful of Bugs on my first week. OTL I spent nearly 7 hours on my arowana entry, so I'm super pleased that it was so well-received by my team! 🥺💖

I'd also like to congratulate xSuperMario64x for placing first in 3 events?? Like holy moly, that's such a huge accomplishment. I've said this to him before too but I was totally amazed by the effort he put into his song. His postcard was fantastic too! I loved the crayon brushes and colours he used, and the hiking trip seemed like the cherry on top. Congrats on your triple win!

Also really glad to see that @SinnerTheCat managed to secure a rainbow jelly! I loved her ocean build. Her postcard also personally had to be my favourite one across all 5 cabins, so even though it didn't get first, I'm glad it managed to place! Huge congrats to you, Sinner. 💖

I hope all the staff are able to rest well now! I can only imagine how much time and effort goes into hosting these events and I'm glad to have been apart of this one. Thank you all once again for putting this together! 💕
I already went to sleep when the closing ceremony began lol. Anyway, now that the results are in, I made a results screen in Formula 1 style! Yes, I know it doesn't fit in with the camping theme.
View attachment 397088
Here it is! I decided to make a results screen based on F1. If you look closely, I even incorporated each cabin's colour! I am aware, though, that the word font is not 100% accurate due to technical difficulties that just made things harder than they needed to be. Actually, I started making this yesterday since I knew the results would come and that it would take me some time to put things together. What do you think? Looks pretty close, eh?

As for the event itself, I don't know where to begin! I'm gonna be sad when these threads related to the event are going to be gone soon. There are just too many memories made that's worth doing so. Oh, but I don't want to dampen anyone's spirits. I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to the staff for putting this all together for us to have fun for three weeks. The Go Fish! Oarfish! minigame is really fun and I hope Mistreil keeps it up even beyond the event.

And I want to say congratulations to all the teams participating in the event! Evergreens and especially The Crystal Ballers gave us a run for our bells. I'm pretty sure this has brought out the best of us in making submissions (and getting headaches for wildlife/birdwatching spotting lol). Of course, I wouldn't forget our fellow Poliwag members who helped us get to the top! Every single one of you made this possible. I really didn't expect to finish in this position and get a pearl for our efforts. Thanks, Poliwags! I'll accept this as a late birthday present! 💙

And before I sign off, I want to share a (horribly made) meme in relation to the birdwatching/wildlife spotting task:
View attachment 397095
It's been an awesome time being with you all. I've made so many memories during this event. 😊
Dude, I swear I thought a giant ad popped up for types of headaches because of how often I must type "migraine". 😳 Then I saw the last headache and I must say, this is spot on.
I feel stupid asking this, but I see people were able to convert the other tokens to campfire tokens in order to bulk up the amount they had. Or I heard talk of it around the forum. Is there somewhere where this is explained how I would go about doing that? I looked around, but couldn't find anything.

Also all the staff and in charges who made this event possible, you all did an amazing job. It's crazy how well organized you kept things going. There weren't any hiccups that I was aware of or none that were present for us to see. To have something like that go on without a hitch shows how well prepared and great you all did and how hard you worked on making it go as smoothly as possible. So thank you for this fun event. I wouldn't be surprised if you all needed to have a recharge after all of that.