Giveaway Camp Plush Giveaway 🦕🐝🐠 Ended - Results in Post #56!


my baby brother gave me this teddy plush when my cat Teddy passed away so it means a lot to me.
also included a bonus pic of my moms kitty because he wouldn't stop photobombing lOl
thanks so much for doing this giveaway, its very generous! <3
Dino bump! 🦕
Also, the list of entrants should be up-to-date so far—if anyone's name is missing, please let me know!
I want this chibi Espeon plush. I saw one similar to it at the Pokemon Shop in Japan, but passed on it as I was nearing the end of my trip and running out of money. I hope to return one day to take it home.

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This is soo nice of you! Decided to look around for a random plush and saw this cute one of Galarian Ponyta. I chose this one because ever since I saw this cutie, it’s been a Pokémon that’s inspired me even more to grow my hair out long, including my bangs. I’ve been soo scared the last couple years to change my hair completely, but this one has finally gotten me out of my fear. Plus, I would love to maybe own this plush. 🙂

There's some great plushies here. Here's one of mine.

I was inspired by Jenny Nicholson's quest for the man-sized spider video and wanted a spider plush of my own. I also wanted a heatable plush, so I got this spider filled with microwaveable beans. He smells like lavender. 🕷💜

Thank you for the opportunity and the very generous giveaway Merielle!
I'd love to enter! I have a bunch of plushies so it was hard to choose just one, but i chose my alligator plushie! I've had her for about 2 years, and she is my comfort plushie! I love her because she always looks like she's smiling. 🥰

thank you so much for the giveaway! ❤️
I have so many plushies but if I had to narrow it down to one, I choose my Merry plush (fav villager, fav plushie) plus love her cute dreamy sweater!


saw this bulbasaur plushie a year ago @ the Nintendo store in NY, it was huge (3 year old for scale). regret not buying it now! 🥲
One week left to post some plushies! 🦕🐝 🐠
Entries should also be up-to-date! If I've missed anyone or made another error, please let me know! c: