Canvas Crossing

I agree, I know nothing will be perfect but I really appreciate being able to do multiple so more people will end up with art! As much as I do love other art events, I love the fact my art might make someone happy this time 😊
@dizzy bone

It occurred to me AFTER I sent in my 3 entries that I did not put my username on them, but only wrote who the character was based on. Is that alright or should I resubmit with my name on them?
I have already done my three, but I wanted to ask, is it okay if I draw more? o: I like the idea of just drawing random reps ahaha
Hi MrBox!

Dizzy and I discussed this and we are going to allow it. It's very generous of you and very much in the spirit of this event.

Anyone may submit more than 3 drawings if they'd like, however only the first 3 will be eligible for rewards.
Event announcement New
Hi everyone,

Upon further evaluation of the entries in Wondrous Wardrobe, the staff team has decided to remove an entry that we felt did not adhere to our community guidelines. However, to be fair to the participant, we will allow the points awarded for this entry to remain as it has been too long since the entry was first accepted.

For Canvas Crossing: Anyone who has drawn this entry before the date of this posting (August 13, 2024 EDT) will also receive their points if the drawing meets the Canvas Crossing criteria. However, the drawings itself will be removed from the reveal.

We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused! We will be reaching out to those affected.
I just finished submitting my third drawing a few minutes ago. I'm so excited for the reveal! I hope the people I drew for end up liking their drawings. ^_^
Haven’t started and takes me days to do what others do in minutes. This is amazing for artists and excited to see reps. I love tbt but events are hard, I will try?
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I wondered about this too … I submitted my first entry without my signature on it, but have a copy with signature in case it’s required … I have another entry to submit now, and I will do the same unless we get instructions otherwise
@dizzy bone

It occurred to me AFTER I sent in my 3 entries that I did not put my username on them, but only wrote who the character was based on. Is that alright or should I resubmit with my name on them?

I wondered about this too … I submitted my first entry without my signature on it, but have a copy with signature in case it’s required … I have another entry to submit now, and I will do the same unless we get instructions otherwise
It is not necessary to include your username on your drawings. Your drawing and the link to your reference are all that's required for this event.

Your subject matter is pretty specific, so we don't need further verification that it's you.

Also, I want to add that dizzy bone is going to be busy off and on, which is why I'm helping out. However, I have also been having a crazy work week, so I haven't gotten around to accepting any submissions yet. I will get started on that soon, but didn't want you all worrying in the meantime.