Coffee, Tea, or Soft drinks?

Coffee, tea, or soft drink?

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I don't get the whole coffee fad. I see kids running around with their fancy pants Starbucks drinks. I can't fathom the overly sweet crap, packed with three billIon calories per sip. Personally I like my coffee black, IF I ever drink it. Tea is usually what I drink, and I don't mean that nasty sweet tea. I enjoy my cup of Earl Grey with a lemon wedge, and a touch of honey.
I'm not a coffee person. I have it every once in a while but never every day or even often. And people expect me to drink lots of coffee because I am a nursing student and I'm up super early or at odd ends of the night. But I can survive without it. It might change when I become a nurse and work night shifts, but I usually can just get by with small, frequent cat naps.

As for tea, I'm not a big drinker of this either? I tried this raspberry tea that was the best so I definitely want to keep drinking that. I occasionally drink green tea. If it's something like sweet tea or iced tea then I am totally for it.

I rarely drink soda now. Mostly because it's just sugar which is bad for you, it ruins your teeth, and when I do drink soda, I have the tendency to start getting addicted to it (especially with how sweet Sprite/7up/Sierra Mist is). So now I just avoid it all together.
Most of the time when I go out to eat, I drink unsweetened ice tea. The one soft drink I like the most is root beer.
coffee, tea and water are all i drink, not many calories (or in water's case, none) and they taste amazing
I'm a huge fan of both coffee and tea. I haven't had a soft drink (aside from plain soda water occasionally) in probably ten years.
tae and softdrink, i dont drink coffee

tae LOL tea bruh
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Hnnng struggles because my favorite drinks are Iced Tea (sweetened) and Milk Tea, but they're both not exactly tea... Iced Tea in Canada is a soft drink (Brisk, Nestea) so I put that ;-; I guess Milk Tea counts as tea though...? I should've chosen both choices LOL
I prefer tea over coffee, but I love both. I mainly drink coffee whenever I feel like a zombie and I need to wake up for school lol. Normally, I always have a cup of tea. During the summer it's either milk tea or peach tea and in the winter it's camomile and salabat tea ^^
Soft drinks make me feel really full, so I drink mostly tea and coffee occasionally.
I never liked the taste of soda nor do I like anything that's 'fizzy'.
That being said, I stick to tea/water/coffee.