Coffee, Tea, or Soft drinks?

Coffee, tea, or soft drink?

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Coffee tastes so bad and tea is just... warm flavoured water I hate it.
Normally only drink coffee before I go to work or when I have to pull all nighters to do my work. Otherwise, I'm a tea addict and drink on average 10 cups a day, I want to cut down though but its hard because hot drinks just help me to keep me warm.
Sometimes I'll drink orange juice with my breakfast when I can be bothered to buy it. But I also drink a lot of tap water when I'm at work or out and about because its just cheaper.
I prefer water. Water is good for your body.

Soft drinks, but I don't drink them too much anymore, as they got too much sugar in them. I usually just stick to water now, as I don't even like the taste of coffee or tea and tend to stay away from those too.
While I drink tea more often than coffee, I prefer coffee more in terms of taste. I'm never that type of soda guy considering I never grew up with it and question how people can manage the fizzy taste.
tea and coffee but it depends on my mood. if i need a boost id drink coffee, if i need to wind down or focus i would drink tea