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May I please enter the giveaway? My favorite thing to do in the Spring is go outside on my swing and play my Nintendo Switch games and enjoy the weather. The weather here where I live is pleasant, but sadly it’s rather short. 🌸
Would I be able to enter the giveaway? I'm going into autumn where I live now, but I love to go for bushwalks in spring and see all the blooms come up, especially in early spring when there's still water running. I also love how our almond tree blossoms and sends petals floating down across our yard. 🌸 Thank you!!

Aghh I've been looking for a star wand for yearss, but I don't think I'll be able to earn enough tbt in time to be able to participate in the auction ;-; I shall try though
i'd love to enter the giveaway! honestly when it comes to spring time i just love the instant boost in my mood i get from the sun and the (slightly) warmer weather. always motivates me to do some spring cleaning and have a little refresh before the summer starts 🌺
Hello friend, I'd like to enter the giveaway! My favorite thing to do in spring is play with my dog outside. Her favorite thing in the world is the hose so she gets sad in the winter time when she can't play with it. 🌺 🐕🪻

Stardust Easter Egg
Glitched Easter Egg
Crescent Moon Easter Egg
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Baby Chick Easter Egg

Stardust Easter Egg, Glitched Easter Egg, Crescent Moon Easter Egg, Sweetheart Easter Egg, Baby Chick Easter Egg​
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hi! could i trade in
and then use the store credit from that + charity funds + my own tbt to buy a sweetheart egg?
Hello, I'd like to enter the giveaway!! For Spring Season, I would like to do spring cleaning and making sure my clean is organized and clean. I also like to organize my media (cds, blu rays, books etcs). 🌸 yay!
Hello! Would live to enter your giveaway! In the spring, I love to hold out hope for a freak snow storm. I’m in the mid-Atlantic, so it rarely happens (especially these days 😢).

On a brighter note, I do enjoy baseball starting up (go O’s & Phils!), and decluttering and donating stuff.

Thanks for holding this! 🌻
I'd like to enter the giveaway, please. In spring, I like to find a nice, grassy hill and lie down on it and look up at the clouds floating by. I also sometimes like to have a cup of coffee while I cloudwatch. 🌸☕
I would love to enter the giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity!

It's currently autumn here, but what I really love to do in spring is a lot of walking and hiking, because everything is so lush and green, and all of the flowers are blooming! It's such a beautiful time of year. 😊🌺🌼