Confetti Collecting

Confetti cooldown check?

I seem to be stuck at 67 and I’m wondering if I was in a cooldown of sorts
The round’s over. You’ll have to wait until the next round to earn confetti.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That suddenly makes sense why I couldn’t get anymore. I was under the impression the rounds were just to signify people they couldn’t go past their max collecting amount. I didn’t realize it would freeze the confetti until the next round.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That suddenly makes sense why I couldn’t get anymore. I was under the impression the rounds were just to signify people they couldn’t go past their max collecting amount. I didn’t realize it would freeze the confetti until the next round.
Yea there were a few things I didn’t realize until someone let me know. One being how far apart each round is.
I'd rather the balloons just stay as-is. because even if I can purchase a sweet one in the shop, that **** is still 48 bells. which is very not cheap, by my event earnings possible estimate

though maybe I'll change my mind, once I get a sweet heart
Just checking. If I buy a mystery balloon just now it would have today's date on it?
Not the date it's revealed.
I'm ok with the idea of moving the sweet balloon to the 50 mystery confetti category. Maybe give 50 confetti back to those who got the sweet balloon who feel upset at that point?
Idk. Still feels odd to move anything since the event already started and we knew ahead of time what could possibly populate.
I'm ok with the idea of moving the sweet balloon to the 50 mystery confetti category. Maybe give 50 confetti back to those who got the sweet balloon who feel upset at that point?
Idk. Still feels odd to move anything since the event already started and we knew ahead of time what could possibly populate.
Actually, that would be a great idea!
refunds honestly feel unfair to me, at this point. even if the balloons were shifted around(which I doubt will happen, but still). since people already were made aware of the risks, especially in gradient bunny balloon purchasings

plus, let's not forget that once any further balloons get unlocked in the shop, that'll just further increase the possibility of "dud" balloons through rng

this whole event is basically just a gacha, and sometimes gacha is unkind. seems personally kinda petty to me, to complain about and try to make said gacha adjust its winnings, simply because of some bad rolls
I 100% know nothing is gonna be changed, just threw in an idea because I just wanted to air it out 😭 I also 100% knew the risk, I just wanted to air grievances if that makes sense. I know it's not fair to adjust anything moving forward, and it's very critical of me to air these grievances now rather than earlier, it's just that I didn't really think about it that much until it happened to me. Yeah it sucks, but nothing I can do, that do be life (and gacha). 🫡 I just felt sad I got slotted into the minority who won't be able to celebrate with the others who got a shiny new balloon, but I'll cheer up, since there are more days to come :) I was also unlucky the first half of the flower breeding event and got nothing for days in a row, but that luck turned around a bit during the latter parts so who knows, I hope my luck will turn around again! 🤞

Ahhh I'm really sorry to have dampen the mood and gotten all petty 😭 I promise this'll be the last time I yap about it. Congrats to everyone who got what they wanted, and good luck to everyone who is still dreaming of their dream balloons! 🎈💖
I 100% know nothing is gonna be changed, just threw in an idea because I just wanted to air it out 😭 I also 100% knew the risk, I just wanted to air grievances if that makes sense. I know it's not fair to adjust anything moving forward, and it's very critical of me to air these grievances now rather than earlier, it's just that I didn't really think about it that much until it happened to me. Yeah it sucks, but nothing I can do, that do be life (and gacha). 🫡 I just felt sad I got slotted into the minority who won't be able to celebrate with the others who got a shiny new balloon, but I'll cheer up, since there are more days to come :) I was also unlucky the first half of the flower breeding event and got nothing for days in a row, but that luck turned around a bit during the latter parts so who knows, I hope my luck will turn around again! 🤞
Oh skarmoury... TwT actually I was so irritated about my roll at first, but reading your post made me feel hopeful again. Thank you!!

I do apologize for my earlier post, I typed it out when I read one earlier because it only made me feel worse about everything. But hey, it's just Round 1. Of course there's another chance. I just gotta believe!!
Oh skarmoury... TwT actually I was so irritated about my roll at first, but reading your post made me feel hopeful again. Thank you!!

I do apologize for my earlier post, I typed it out when I read one earlier because it only made me feel worse about everything. But hey, it's just Round 1. Of course there's another chance. I just gotta believe!!
yeap!! if you wanna know how unlucky I was with the flower event, I went on for like 4 days i think without a single pink hyacinth, and it's the one hybrid I really wanted from the event 😅 my lineup was minmax-ed top to bottom yet not a single pink hyacinth in the first half LOL. well I ended up breeding two pink hyacinth in the latter parts of the week which made me happy! 🌸

here's to hoping we get our wanted balloons fr 💪
refunds honestly feel unfair to me, at this point. even if the balloons were shifted around(which I doubt will happen, but still). since people already were made aware of the risks, especially in gradient bunny balloon purchasings

plus, let's not forget that once any further balloons get unlocked in the shop, that'll just further increase the possibility of "dud" balloons through rng

this whole event is basically just a gacha, and sometimes gacha is unkind. seems personally kinda petty to me, to complain about and try to make said gacha adjust its winnings, simply because of some bad rolls
I wouldn’t advocate for refunds either—I don’t think that’s realistic.

I personally don’t think new balloons are “duds” once unlocked in the shop, because they are still brand new collectibles and not old ones. Felt the same way at the last event.

It does feel a little…..ouch… call other members petty. I think it’s okay for some of us to be honest about events feeling out of balance or unnecessarily stressful. I personally would like it if we could, from time to time, have community collaboration events that didn’t ALWAYS have to have some element of “and a few of you will miss out, but where’s the fun for everybody else if somebody doesn’t lose!” Whether I “win” or “lose,” I would have more fun if we didn’t have losers for everything.

You might disagree, and that’s okay! I think as long as everyone is respectful to staff and to each other, comments from the community about the types of events they enjoy, and whether those events inspire participation, is ultimately beneficial for this very cool forum. If everybody but me loved being able to have one “bad roll” in the pool (I admit I am the least risk-averse person ever and I tend to dislike gacha), then the staff could take my comments into account and decide the majority still prefer the event the way it is.
It does feel a little…..ouch… call other members petty. I think it’s okay for some of us to be honest about events feeling out of balance or unnecessarily stressful.

the part I consider petty isn't in feeling bad about winnings. it's in advocating for change purely because the results are unfavorable sometimes

and honestly? getting shop balloons from rng during the farewell new leaf event felt just as bad. it didn't matter if they were new or not, as people will largely be wanting ones they couldn't purchase. especially as trading was much harder, since the purchasable ones were much more cratered in value, iirc

personally, I'd just not have this event winnings structure, period. I'm very much not a fan of rng with a collectible series that many people will want specific orderings for, but I get it. it's meant to be reminiscent of the games, where balloons are obtained randomly. though like how we can purchase the farewell new leaf event balloons directly now, perhaps in a future event, they'll let us purchase the non-rainbow gradients directly too
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the part I consider petty isn't in feeling bad about winnings. it's in advocating for change purely because the results are unfavorable sometimes

and honestly? getting shop balloons from rng during the farewell new leaf event felt just as bad. it didn't matter if they were new or not, as people will largely be wanting ones they couldn't purchase. especially as trading was much harder, since the purchasable ones were much more cratered in value, iirc

personally, I'd just not have this event winnings structure, period. I'm very much not a fan of rng with a collectible series that many people will want specific orderings for, but I get it. it's meant to be reminiscent of the games, where balloons are obtained randomly. though like how we can purchase the farewell new leaf event balloons directly now, perhaps in a future event, they'll let us purchase the non-rainbow gradients directly too
Thanks for having a respectful discussion! I appreciate your perspective. I’m sure it does make a difference whether someone primarily wants to collect the balloons or sell them—it’ll probably be harder to sell/trade the ones that get unlocked in the shop.

I honestly would have felt this way whether I got what I was hoping for or not. I almost commented early on about how it seemed odd to include the sweet balloons (I actually thought it was an error on my first reading of the thread), but then I assumed staff members must be anticipating demand and member excitement for those balloons still, and that THAT was the reason for their inclusion. But after the first reveal, it seemed like nearly everyone was hoping to not get a sweet balloon and feeling bad for those who did.

I didn’t initially interpret the event as “gacha” with mostly “good” results and one “bad” result, but rather as a community event in which everyone would work together to acquire collectibles that were equally exciting and valuable, so I think that’s why the sweet balloon thing felt out of step with the overall vibe and intent. Almost everything is already a contest so I enjoyed the idea of participating in a group win scenario. But I could be totally wrong about how the event was meant to go! Maybe they actually did want some prizes to feel like “duds” in order to raise the stakes.

Obviously staff members are super generous in creating these events and they ultimately can choose to run them however they see fit. It’s never my intention to be critical or negative towards them! I truly only commented because to me it seemed like having the sweet balloons in the pool DIDNT match the intention and atmosphere of the event. If a person was seeing the intention as “gacha” and excited for “gacha,” but then was angry when they didn’t get the exact roll they wanted, I could see how that would seem petty or unfair.

Anyway, we’ve all got five more tries! So hopefully everybody who participates can come away with a good collection of balloons they’re excited about. 🙂
I didn’t initially interpret the event as “gacha” with mostly “good” results and one “bad” result, but rather as a community event in which everyone would work together to acquire collectibles that were equally exciting and valuable, so I think that’s why the sweet balloon thing felt out of step with the overall vibe and intent. Almost everything is already a contest so I enjoyed the idea of participating in a group win scenario. But I could be totally wrong about how the event was meant to go! Maybe they actually did want some prizes to feel like “duds” in order to raise the stakes.
Yes, that was me right here! I didn't think of the balloon tokens as "gacha" either at first, so when it was brought up I was in a bad mood for a bit.

I love reading your posts Sheando! Along with what @/skarmoury wrote, they've been making me want to try again and hope for the best. I appreciate you!!
No redeem codes have been distributed for round 1 right? or did I miss them