Crunchy or Chewy Cookies?

Crunchy or chewy?

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Definitely chewy. While there are specific types that go better crunchy, all of my favorites are a lot better chewy.
I love all cookies lol, but I guess I prefer chewy because that usually means they are fresh and just came out of the oven.
I LOVE chewy cookies. I won't turn my nose up at crunchy cookies, although I have sensitive teeth so I'd rather have them with milk or coffee than on their own so I can soften them up a bit, but chewy cookies are always better than crunchy.
My favourite cookies are the huge fresh baked ones that are slightly crunchy at the edges, but warm and soft and gooey inside <33
chewy cause it tastes GOOD. wait no actually crunchy cookies are good too but chewy cookies just hit different.

chewy cookies is obviously the tastier option (crunchy cookie lovers, spare me sksksk)
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Chewy because they are easier to eat. I don't mind the crunchy ones, but I prefer chewy.
I like crunchy outsides and chewy insides. :)
I prefer chewy cookies. Crunchy ones tend to be too hard and they sometimes shatter into a million pieces when I try to take a bite.
chewy, i love cookie dough aha. also crunchy like 99% of the time means nuts so i cant eat those anyway
Chewy all the way! Although it is nice when the edges have a bit of a crunch.
Chewy cookies for sure, they're super tasty!

And crunchy cookies hurt my teeth ;v;
chewy fs
it's the reason why i love sugar cookies so much, since they usually seem to be more on the chewy end of the spectrum
Chewy. I perfer crunchy if I decide to have with milk.
i don't want crunchy cookies!! too many crumbs and too much effort on my teeth!!!! (this is also the reason why i like the fat cheetos and not the skinny ones)
I prefer crunchy cookies but my favorite is when they're crunchy-ish but straight from the oven so they're still kind of soft :)