Crunchy or Chewy Cookies?

Crunchy or chewy?

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I like chewy most of the time. But I like hard/crunchy sugar cookies because they don't dissolve when I dip them in milk. But I dip them in milk to get them soft so I still don't like the crunchy texture lol
i absolutely love a nice sticky-to-chewy texture cookie tbh
preferably a bit more on the crunchy on the outsid, sticky on the inside type
so more spread in a cookie ig!
I tend to prefer crunchy cookies because I like to dip them in milk or tea, and they turn soft then. Additionally, when purchasing cookies, some of the chewy variants of a cookie tastes different from the crunchy kind. However, if the cookies are homemade, I don't really have much of a preference between chewy or crunchy.
Chewy all the way. Crunchy cookies are so unsatisfying to bite into and crumbs get everywhere. I especially like warm, chewy cookies straight from the oven. :p
Every once in a while I'll crave a good crunchy cookie, but for the most part I really prefer chewy. Doesn't help I suffer from jaw issues and crunchy foods often leave me in pain. :' )
Crunchy, I feel like they?re better to put in milk. Chewy ones in milk are weird.

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If I try to dip them in milk to soften them for a while, they get too squishy. D:
I?ve been doing it for 14 years, so I?m an expert at getting the right amount of time in the milk.
Chewy, surely. Then microwave them for that extra chewy, meltiness mmm
I like both. I voted chewy in the poll though, since a certain kind of softer cookies are some of my favorites but then again, I also have favorites that are crunchy ones. Maybe I should've voted crunchy instead.
i prefer chewy. crunchy cookies are just too crumbly. i hate how they fall apart as soon as i touch them
chewy, but just based off my username I have to choose crunchy...
I like both, but if I had to choose one, I guess I would go with chewy cookies!
Chewy cookies! It really helps to take in the flavour while crunchy cookies require you to put more effort into eating it. And hearing those crunchy noises make me fear that I could end up breaking my teeth.