Crunchy or Chewy Cookies?

Crunchy or chewy?

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Chewy cookies just taste more fresh and Crunchy cookies just taste bland and like they've been outside for way too long, so definitely Chewy
I went with chewy for this. If they’re crunchy it usually means they’re too hard for me to eat and therefore I don’t enjoy them as much. :)
Chewy cookies are the best! I'll eat cookies either way, but chewy just taste better to me. Plus, I don't like to eat a lot of crunchy foods because I have sensitive teeth and they irritate me.
Crispy; so somewhere in between. Whenever I have a chewy cookie it just reminds me of those nasty, store-bought ones. It is a plus if it is melty on the inside, and then crispy on the edges.
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The poll kinda shocked me because all the cookies here are crunchy, I honestly don't remember the last time I ate a chewy cookie or if I even have eaten one, but ye crunchy all the way.
i love to eat cookies with milk so i chose crunchy
if there's no milk though i would choose chewy lol

they're both good so i won't complain either way