I had a lot of ideas yesterday after I did my OG thing- so I'm kind of glad I messed up
Other ideas I had:
The very left one is me trying to redesign my "Skull Cupcake" to be more skull like ... I think it turned out okay! It's supposed to match with the "Pumpkin Cupcake"
TBH I wanted to submit Marx but... something about the shape.. and sizing.. hm.. maybe another time..
(I did do the 3rd and last one too but didn't like how they looked small)
(Bloodshot Cupcake, Bat Potion Cupcake, Clown, Skull, Marx and Bat Crepe)
Then asked a bunch of people- it was down to the clown or skull...
I like the skull.... but I also really like clowns. So I went with clown