Aw, I really want the Pinocchio stuff. Dern it. orz
A full guide is always nice, but
this one is VERY helpful still for finding the items at least.
I've made myself a cheat sheet from info mostly from here and gamefaqs.
I found some info on gamefaqs from what others have come up with
for the dungeon items (I think it was a youtuber by the name of brittanydill that put it together):
Room 1
a) Flappity Trap, Illthrill & Roly-Polyrollons
b) Mean Screama Ballerinas & Screama Ballerinas
c) Polyrollons & Roly-Polyrollons
Room 2
a) Pipoppin & Poppin w/ moving hedges from Wonderland quests
b) sleeping Pipoppin & purple-aura Poppin
c) Max Waxlite & Waxlite w/ heart button that raises/lowers a fence
Room 3
a) Bingo Boingos & Boingos or falling rocks from 8 treasure chests
b) Bolterspike & Polterspike from 8 sparkly spots
c) Gassy Blastghast, Mean Screama Ballerinas, & Thwakka w/ fence that rotates by hitting gear switches
Room 4
a) Baboosh & Fawhoosh w/ switch that gets rid of lava
b) Duddoom & Thuddoom w/ switch that stops falling rocks
c) Mean Screama Ballerinas/Spooklets/Whakkas, spawned by 4 heart buttons, fenced in w/ treasure chest
Room 5
a) purple-aura Baboosh, Pipoppin, Thwakka
b) Kerspookles, Spook-Spooklers, Spookedly-Boos
c) 8 treasure chests & 4 sparkly spots
This has been really useful to me, so I don't need to reset for the stupid town people requests anymore, since these items are what you would get from those requests. Hope it helps you guys if you needed the info.
- - - Post Merge - - -
OOPS so sorry....I pasted the wrong part. That was the possible enemies in each room. XD Also useful info, so I'll leave it.
THIS is the possible rewards, especially if you save all the red gems til the end:
Room 1: balloon apple seed, creamy chestnut seed, eggfruit seed, golden butterynut seed, spooky pumpkin seed, tropical herb seed, white cocoaberry seed
Room 2: snow crystal, unmelting ice, wooden puppet
Room 3
scenario a): creamy chestnut seed, eggfruit seed, sweetberry seed, tropical herb seed, white cocoaberry seed, xtra-creamy chestnut seed
scenarios b) & c): flickering candle, handkerchief of bravery, quest oar, superstar belt
Room 4: batflower, bony crystal, cloudpuff plate, pixie dust, sheriff star
Room 5: batflower, comet tail, pink ribbon tape, pixie dust, sheriff star, snow crystal, superstar belt, thundershock plate, UFO remnants