Nope, it's been scientifically proven that immunity gained from recovering from a disease naturally is a lot better and stronger than that from having an injection of a weakened form of that strain. Yes, you suffer a bit more, but I'd rather suffer than have gob knows what kinds of governmental tests or chemicals or what pumped into my body, apparently "curing" the illness. I do agree though that they have helped fight off some really nasty diseases in history, but nowadays, the only vaccines I see being pushed today are flu shots and they're literally noneffective. It's funny too, where I live, anytime there's a massive outbreak of some kind of flu, and clinics and places are pushing shots, the disease actually spreads more and most of the people who got the shots actually end up with a worse strain/more symptoms.
No, I meant I'd rather have my future child ( if I ever have one/some) get Autism than making them susceptible to suffering from a disease and possibly dying. The cons do not outweigh the benefits. If the child I got autism, I'd love them anyway because that's what parents do. You misunderstood me.
So, wait, let me get this straight. You'd be fine with giving a growing kid or a baby a vaccine that gives them autism just because you don't want to deal with the illness (let's just assume for a moment that all vaccines had a chance at giving autism or mental illness). And you still would? Lmao what the **** is wrong with society these days omg
Some of my friends' younger siblings received excessive vaccines when they were younger and have autism and many mental illnesses. It's not ALL vaccines, but only specific ones that have been proven to have a high chance of giving mental illness, usually the ones that you only take once or twice when you're really young (I forgot which ones), and it's usually only when you're given a whole ton of them. I agree- the autism argument is bull**** but it does have good grounds. The other reason I oppose them though is because of what kind of government testing they use with them. Why the **** would they push common cold shots every bloody year when it barely kills anyone. Sniffles, maybe a chest cold? Bronchitis if you're like me and are prone to it; it's still not something I'm okay with though. But, reading the replies here, I respect the views/opinions on why most of you believe in them.
Why the **** would they push common cold shots every bloody year when it barely kills anyone. Sniffles, maybe a chest cold?
Nope, it's been scientifically proven that immunity gained from recovering from a disease naturally is a lot better and stronger than that from having an injection of a weakened form of that strain.
So, wait, let me get this straight. You'd be fine with giving a growing kid or a baby a vaccine that gives them autism just because you don't want to deal with the illness (let's just assume for a moment that all vaccines had a chance at giving autism or mental illness). And you still would? Lmao what the **** is wrong with society these days omg
And you'd rather give a kid a higher chance of dying than have to deal with someone who's autistic? That's really disturbing. Autism isn't some horrible shameful thing.
My thoughts exactly. It's not like you become less loved by ur family just because you have it. That's ridiculous. I find that extremely offensive. My best friend has Aspergers and he's awesome. This isn't the medieval times where minor mental illnesses r seen as worse than dying.
Yeah ikr! Some people are way too judgemental too.
Yeah, tbh I think my parents would be the same way if they didn't have me. I have modErate-severe ADHD so it makes them a lot more accepting and compassionate of mental illnesses. It helped them learn that life is fine with them as long as you take care of yourself
It's not a matter of believing in vaccinations, lol. Vaccinations work, science has proved it again and again. Anti-vaxxers can say they don't "believe" in them all they want, but it doesn't make vaccination any less effective in preventing disease.
We are already seeing the return of cured diseases such as freaking MEASLES because people are more afraid of their children getting autism than their children DYING A TERRIBLE, PREVENTABLE DEATH
it makes me angry.
same... its depressing i ****ing hate my autism because of people like this....
same... its depressing i ****ing hate my autism because of people like this....
same... its depressing i ****ing hate my autism because of people like this....
Nope, it's been scientifically proven that immunity gained from recovering from a disease naturally is a lot better and stronger than that from having an injection of a weakened form of that strain. Yes, you suffer a bit more, but I'd rather suffer than have gob knows what kinds of governmental tests or chemicals or what pumped into my body, apparently "curing" the illness. I do agree though that they have helped fight off some really nasty diseases in history, but nowadays, the only vaccines I see being pushed today are flu shots and they're literally noneffective. It's funny too, where I live, anytime there's a massive outbreak of some kind of flu, and clinics and places are pushing shots, the disease actually spreads more and most of the people who got the shots actually end up with a worse strain/more symptoms.
So, wait, let me get this straight. You'd be fine with giving a growing kid or a baby a vaccine that gives them autism just because you don't want to deal with the illness (let's just assume for a moment that all vaccines had a chance at giving autism or mental illness). And you still would? Lmao what the **** is wrong with society these days omg
Some of my friends' younger siblings received excessive vaccines when they were younger and have autism and many mental illnesses. It's not ALL vaccines, but only specific ones that have been proven to have a high chance of giving mental illness, usually the ones that you only take once or twice when you're really young (I forgot which ones), and it's usually only when you're given a whole ton of them. I agree- the autism argument is bull**** but it does have good grounds. The other reason I oppose them though is because of what kind of government testing they use with them. Why the **** would they push common cold shots every bloody year when it barely kills anyone. Sniffles, maybe a chest cold? Bronchitis if you're like me and are prone to it; it's still not something I'm okay with though. But, reading the replies here, I respect the views/opinions on why most of you believe in them.