Do you let animals lick your face?


  • Yes, I welcome the affection

    Votes: 14 16.9%
  • I let them lick me, but only if it's not on my face

    Votes: 22 26.5%
  • Depends on the animal

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • No, that's disgusting

    Votes: 28 33.7%

  • Total voters
To be honest I'm not a huge fan of animals licking me, but I typically let them anyway because they wouldn't understand that. They're just trying to say they like me and I don't wanna hurt their feelings lol ;u; If they get in my face though I kinda recoil/pull away involuntarily. also no mouth kisses to or from pets because that's gross, assuming I get a say in it. I stg some dogs wait until you have your guard down and then just go straight for the mouth 💀

It's funny because I'm normally pretty germaphobic, but pets don't bother me as much as other things.
big yeah if it's strangers friendly dog, always welcome! i'll wash my face when i get home but it doesn't bother me, it's a wholesome time

it's a no to other animals though
I don’t mind licks on hands or legs or whatever but I hate it in my face. No matter the animal. Just don’t enjoy hot wet stinky fishy dog/cat breath in such close proximity to my nose 😅 and it just feels extra unhygienic in the face somehow. I also wash hands if they have been licked. I appreciate the gesture and think it’s cute, just not the face like I said :]
Nah, I'm definitely not comfortable with an animal licking my face. I don't care if I know exactly what the animals been doing and if it's clean, I just have the feel of their tongues and slobber on me, especially my face.
No I'd rather them not lick my face, I don't mind if they lick my hand that's fine but no face. I think getting licked in the face by an animal is gross.
I don't like animals being that close to my face to begin with. I'm not really a fan of licks in general since they lick their butts and hoohas lol
I'm fine with my own cats and my parents cats licking my face. The acceptable spots are nose, temple, and eyebrow. And I wash my face at the next available opportunity.

My parents-in-law have a labrador that always goes for the face and that's a big no!
Yes, I've always let my dogs lick my face. I will let other animals lick my face as long as I'm not aware of them doing anything gross recently. I tilt my head upwards, though, so I really only let them lick the bottom parts of my chin and cheeks. Of course, I clean up afterwards too.
Keagan has licked my face, but I wipe it off afterwards. I prefer him to lick other parts of my body, and that goes for other dogs, as well.
I don't mind if pets lick my face, it's never bothered me. Perhaps that's a result of the way I've been brought up, as my parents have always been okay with it. My cat doesn't really lick my face though, sometimes she licks my nose but that's about it!
no, because all of my pets eat raw food so it's unsafe to be licked (especially on the face) after that. i'm also technically allergic to all animals with fur, so licking = hives pretty much instantaneously. i wouldn't mind letting my pets lick my face once or twice if i could, but excessive licking would probably gross me out lol

I love my pets, but I know where those tongues have been so I defently don't let them lick my face. 😅