Do you celebrate your birthday? 🎂

Well? Do you?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 27 64.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Sometimes...

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters


Apr 28, 2022
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Do you make a big deal about your birthday when it comes up? Or do you treat it like any other day? Or maybe you have a different answer!

Every year my parents take me to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday, so it's a "yes" from me!
I usually keep it pretty low key for my birthday. I don't throw a party anymore but me and my partner will go for dinner.
Depends. I answered a similar question as this in another thread. Some years I will go to big events or sporting events to celebrate, and others I will just have a nice dinner with family. Depends on the year.
I celebrate my birthday to a limited extent in most years. It's typically just a normal day but with cake and a gift or two and celebrated with family. It's my once a year excuse to have red velvet cake, which is my favorite. Sometimes, if schedules allow, I might do stuff with friends like play games, watch a movie, whatever. A couple years ago I went to hang out with my best friend (we're long distance, live a few states apart, but have known each other online for over a decade) for a week to celebrate my birthday, and maybe that will be a thing occasionally, though it's not something either of our schedules permitted last year nor is it happening this year or in the next couple years most likely.

Pretty laid back, but it's sufficient for me. Don't really know what I'd do differently.
It’s the same for everyone’s birthday in my house. When it’s on a Saturday or Sunday, we might go somewhere. If not, we usually don’t do anything besides eating cake until the weekend. But we usually order food from somewhere if it’s on a weekday.
I do usually do something to celebrate my birthday though it’s most often just something small like a day trip out somewhere and/or a meal out with my family. I’ve never been into big parties so just a small gathering of the people I’m closest to is enough for me.
Just eating dinner at home with my family, or just buying store-bought cake is already a celebration for me.

In your mid-30s, you don't really look forward to grand parties anymore. At least, I don't.
My birthday is almost always on the same week pixar releases their summer movie.

It's my tradition to always see the new movies for my birthday. I don't care how old I get. My family comes with me too.
Sometimes I go out to dinner with my family and I like to eat cake, but except for last year when I was able to celebrate with my girlfriend I don't often do too much. My birthday kinda makes me anxious for part of the reason cornimer linked to and the way time has felt like it's moving so fast lately
Not so much now. I enjoy getting cake and gifts, but otherwise I don't make a huge deal out of my birthday for a few reasons. I don't like celebrating that I'm getting older (maybe a "one year closer to death" kinda thing), especially when I'm getting to the point where birthdays become less fun for adults or something. I've also had a few instances where some friends would forget my birthday and it'd really tamper my mood. Honestly, birthdays aren't that special to me anymore, it just feels like a normal day.

I like celebrating other peoples' birthdays, though! It was my brother's birthday a few days ago, I gave him some money for Dead By Daylight DLC. Even though he hates his birthday more than I do, he was happy with his gift. 🥰
I... think I'm kind of mixed on them. I don't really like having huge parties with tons of people, so I haven't done that since I was a little kid honestly, but my birthday is still important to me and I do try to go out of my way to have a nice day for myself. At the same time though I do also experience some degree of birthday anxiety, and it's easy for me to feel like I'm asking too much. ;u; I've also been made to feel like an annoyance on my own birthday several times by certain members of my family, and that's never not a crushing feeling. I guess I really like them in theory, but they don't always work out so well for me in practice.
I do, but really because my kids don't let it pass without a fuss.
Yes. It's a good excuse to do something nice, even if it is just a couple of drinks and a takeaway.

I threw a party this year for the first time since I was a kid. It was great fun! 🎉
Yeah man! Birthdays are the best! Without birthdays, you couldn’t have anything else in life. I’m having a Bruce Springsteen themed birthday this year, since we share a birthday and I’m seeing him again on Wednesday!
Yes but I don't do anything special, just eating home with my family, which is already special because we usually all eat separately in front of TV, computer..etc. My mom always make a strawberry shortcake and sometimes I go in the forest or to the waterfall and have a picnic in the afternoon. One year we were just two of us sitting on the floor, drinking beer and eating snacks while watching videos. Nothing grand but it's still fun.
Yes, I celebrate my birthday every year! For me it's an excuse to take the day off to stay home and relax, do anything I want, and to enjoy some delicious food/cake and presents as well.