I eat it occasionally. Never at home or school, but if I'm at a restaurant or somewhere that doesn't have a vegetarian option, I don't mind having some.
I have eaten many kinds of meat, though that's mostly because my parents are big meat eaters. If it had been up to me, I wouldn't have eaten probably half of the stuff (maybe more) that I've tried during my lifetime.
I've really considered becoming vegetarian when I'm older (not for a good few years though), however there's just some meat I'd really miss l-lol.
I eat meat and love the flavors, but do have some ethical concerns about the treatment of animals. When I lived in Germany it was much easier to buy my meat from farms with higher standards for humane treatment :3
I eat all kinds of meat, but I'd like to not eat meat as much, just once in a while. I was vegetarian for about two years in high school but I've been an omnivore since then.
I do eat meat, but I want to stop doing so. I've wanted to for a long while, but in the weekends I'm always at my boyfriends parents house and I don't want to bother them with my dietary choices. I'll probably become a vegetarian once I'm on my own!
I eat red meat on occasion but I usually eat wild game, not farm raised animals (except the occasional chicken or pig, which pigs are usually on special occasions). I do however eat farm raised animals from nearby farms when given to me as gifts, but that rarely happens. I usually eat allot of potatos, eggplant, japanese yams, and peppers. They all grow in abundance in my garden so it's not too hard to get my greens ?ω? (I recommend starting a garden to everyone, they produce allot more than you would think)
I don't eat meat, except when it's in a social setting where there aren't any other options (think family friend dinner parties), and only when it's inseparably mixed into something. I would rather do that than start a whole awkward debate about vegetarianism when I don't really want to interact with family friends (who are mostly older, Chinese people) in the first place. So I guess I'm only not a vegetarian on a technicality. I eat eggs, but dislike the taste of milk. I don't wear leather on principle, but love wool, and admit to possessing down duvets.
I have to say, I'm so happy to see so many environment/health-conscious people on here!
There seems to be a large discrepancy between the number of people in the thread posting that they do not eat meat and are vegetarian or vegan and the overwhelming majority that have voted in the poll to say they eat all kinds of meat.
I eat all the meat I can: chicken, turkey, beef, pork, lamb, sausages, bacon, ham, gammon, mutton, fish; and I think it would be incredibly tough not to. They taste great. They're good value for their protein, healthy oils and the omegas in fish. I commend anyone who chooses to to eat meat, given its energy inefficiency and the "questionable" farming methods used but I don't think I could do it and I don't really have the inclination to try. Living out here in the country whenever you eat at my dad's house it is 95% of the time meat, potatoes and vegetables for dinner. That's all they live on.
I eat meat, but I only really eat chicken now (and sometimes fish). For the most part, I don't touch red meat. I have the occasional bacon, but that's hardly ever.