i rarely get mistaken for the wrong age but one time when i was 11 the cashier at a store thought that i was 14. recently i was at a mattress store with my parents and the employee thought i was about to go to college, maybe because he couldn't see half my face. im surprised that some people think that im older because in my opinion i look like a 13 year old.
oh, all the time. when i was a teenager people always thought i was older than i was, to the point where i got asked out by an adult man once who looked appalled when i told him i was actually 12. now i'm 24 and nobody seems to believe i'm in my 20s, they all think i'm under 18. i guess it's because i stopped wearing makeup and low-cut clothing.
I don't think anyone has correctly guessed my age by my face alone. It's great though! I hope to be young looking forever haha. I'm in my mid twenties and still get carded so let's hope that continues lolololol.
I have always looked younger than my actual age, I've never looked older or my age which I guess is a blessing but it can be really annoying when I continuously have to prove that I am the age that I say I am because no one believes me. I know when I am in my 50s I will really enjoy looking much younger.
It’s real annoying when I have to prove my age to people. Like posting pictures after my dental implants, people in the comments section would ask how a 10 year old got implants. If it’s only on social media, people need to just mind their own business.
I used to get told I was an old soul, but the older I get the more that I'm being told I'm acting young for my age. I "look young" until they see my face because I'm short, but my age shows in my lines and junk
Yes, people think I'm younger than what I am. People usually think I'm around 16-18, until I tell them I've got a degree and then they realize I'm older than that lol. I get ID'd about 50% of the time.
I wasn't mistaken for the wrong age growing up, from what I can recall. These days, I have no clue if people do or don't mistake my age, lol. I don't think so, though? The main thing is I have a beard, so that helps with making me look like my age, lol.
constantly ...
im about to be 17 this month. ive always had a baby face and look about 13/14. it sucks now, im constantly treated like a child, and in terms of insecurity issues, the fact that i dont look like an 18 y/o e-girl kills me sometimes.
hopefully in the future ill look young when im old which should benefit me. but for now im still given kids menus :,)
Yes, I'm 23 but people ask me what grade in high school I am . I usually wouldn't mind but the problem is people start treating me like I'm in high school, which is why I ended up growing out my facial hair. But now we wear masks so it doesn't really make a difference
Yeah it's definitely a UK thing. Something to do with shops being able to refuse the sale of energy drinks or drinks with high caffeine content to under 16s (as it isn't strictly a law just a protocol shops can use) because a lot of teens were/are drinking energy drinks in school as substitute for actual food - which of course is not only dangerous but causing concentration issues etc.