Do you have any phobias?

Basophobia (fear of falling), coasterphobia (fear of roller coasters), and acrophobia (fear of heights), Aerophobia (fear of flying), Atychiphobia (fear of failure) for sure.

If you make me climb more than maybe 5ft up, i'm gonna get a panic attack. It's not so bad with roller coasters.
And i'm scared to death of flying. I'll take the longer route of driving across the country rather than taking a plane.
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oh lord,, what am i not afraid of lmao.

uh,, i have quite a few phobias but my main one is emetophobia which is the fear of anything vomit-related; whether it’s me feeling nauseous, someone else feeling nauseous or even just saying “throw up” makes me feel deliberating anxiety. i avoid ordering food from unfamiliar restaurants because “what if i get food poisoning?”. if i’m around someone and they say that they feel nauseous, i immediately flee and stay far away from that person. and god forbid someone around me actually gets sick, i leave the area where it happened immediately and stay far, far away from them. i haven’t thrown up in years + even the slightest bit of nausea is enough to send me into an anxiety attack and this phobia just,, is so odd to me and i hate it lmao
I'm really scared of spiders and heights. It is always an ordeal if a place has areas where i can see down to the floor below.
Absolutely crippling pyrophobia. You can't even light a candle in my house.

It's weird, because I've never had any trauma with fire; like, never been burned or had any sort of experiences with it. I've just always been horribly, horribly triggered by it.
Heights and snakes! (Yes I know... Snakes on a Plane.) I also grew up terrified of the dark, in fact I used a night light until about high school, but I got over that one somehow
Embarrassingly I have a lot of phobias. Don't know necessarily how all them started, but they are very specific.

-The dark (I physically can't go to bed without a light on)
-Tickling (absolutely hate it, and it just makes me panic mostly)
-Heights (hard nope, get bad vertigo)
-Elevators (I will take the stairs)
-Small places
-Huge places
-Small holes
-I'm not afraid of being dead, but I'm scared of what it feels like to die if that makes sense
-Very very public places like busses or trains

Theres probably more, but those are the main ones
I'd say I have gotten over my huge fear of Animals, but I am still extremely terrified of mice.
I have Ichthyophobia, or the fear of fish. Ever since I was a kid I avoided swimming in lakes and oceans. The thought of touching a fish while swimming gives me goosebumps. I can’t even touch a dead fish without getting uncomfortable.
Astraphobia: Fear of lightning. Fears are irrational, but I don't think I'm being irrational when something that can kill me is occurring.
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes. I've never seen a tornado personally. I've seen videos, though, and the thought of them scare the hell out of me. Again, is it really a phobia if it can kill me?
Galeophobia: Fear of sharks, though, I wouldn't say my fear of them is as extreme as Wikipedia puts it. I could be in an aquarium and be fine viewing one. Being on a boat with sharks around? Never happened.
Katsaridaphobia: Fear of roaches. Gross, gross, gross! Burn them all. 😰
I don't think I have any phobias but lots of regular fears like heights, falling, tornados, centipedes, etc. Some photos that tigger trypophobia
do make me feel uncomfortable but not all of them.

Astraphobia: Fear of lightning. Fears are irrational, but I don't think I'm being irrational when something that can kill me is occurring.
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes. I've never seen a tornado personally. I've seen videos, though, and the thought of them scare the hell out of me. Again, is it really a phobia if it can kill me?
Galeophobia: Fear of sharks, though, I wouldn't say my fear of them is as extreme as Wikipedia puts it. I could be in an aquarium and be fine viewing one. Being on a boat with sharks around? Never happened.
Katsaridaphobia: Fear of roaches. Gross, gross, gross! Burn them all. 😰

Do you fear me? Is it Galeophobia specifically or more general like thalassophobia?
I don't think I have any phobias but lots of regular fears like heights, falling, tornados, centipedes, etc. Some photos that tigger trypophobia
do make me feel uncomfortable but not all of them.

Do you fear me? Is it Galeophobia specifically or more general like thalassophobia?
No, I don't. I don't believe I have thalassophobia. Maybe I do? I never really got bothered not knowing what's below the depths of water.
Absolutely crippling pyrophobia. You can't even light a candle in my house.

It's weird, because I've never had any trauma with fire; like, never been burned or had any sort of experiences with it. I've just always been horribly, horribly triggered by it.
I can relate to this so much. I've never even lit a candle or anything. I love the smell of candles, and I would like to have one constantly burning in my room while I work, but I'm too afraid. For no particular reason. I just am. My only interaction with fire has been roasting marshmallows, but even for that, I use the longest pole in existence :LOL:

Besides fire, my phobias are insects, heights, and tiny holes. I'm too lazy to look up the official name for each of those phobias.
I hate seeing spiders specifically in my house. I'm obsessed with tarantulas (my dad keeps one as a pet) and jumping spiders are plain adorable, but I can't handle seeing those house spiders that you see running fast from the corner of your eye.

I think the main reason I'm scared of them, and this may go for most animal related phobias, is that with dangerous animals like lions or wolves, they can be easily compared to the everyday cat and dog, which makes people fear them a lot less. But with spiders, they just don't look "normal", because there's nothing to compare them to; with their fangs, multiple eyes and eight legs (a.k.a way too many), they're almost like aliens.
Also, when they aren't a pet, they really should be anywhere but indoors. They're little tiny intruders and every time I see one in my room or in the bathroom I feel like something isn't right.