emetophobia for sure
Astraphobia: Fear of lightning. Fears are irrational, but I don't think I'm being irrational when something that can kill me is occurring.
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes. I've never seen a tornado personally. I've seen videos, though, and the thought of them scare the hell out of me. Again, is it really a phobia if it can kill me?
Galeophobia: Fear of sharks, though, I wouldn't say my fear of them is as extreme as Wikipedia puts it. I could be in an aquarium and be fine viewing one. Being on a boat with sharks around? Never happened.
Katsaridaphobia: Fear of roaches. Gross, gross, gross! Burn them all.![]()
No, I don't. I don't believe I have thalassophobia. Maybe I do? I never really got bothered not knowing what's below the depths of water.I don't think I have any phobias but lots of regular fears like heights, falling, tornados, centipedes, etc. Some photos that tigger trypophobia
do make me feel uncomfortable but not all of them.
Do you fear me? Is it Galeophobia specifically or more general like thalassophobia?
I can relate to this so much. I've never even lit a candle or anything. I love the smell of candles, and I would like to have one constantly burning in my room while I work, but I'm too afraid. For no particular reason. I just am. My only interaction with fire has been roasting marshmallows, but even for that, I use the longest pole in existenceAbsolutely crippling pyrophobia. You can't even light a candle in my house.
It's weird, because I've never had any trauma with fire; like, never been burned or had any sort of experiences with it. I've just always been horribly, horribly triggered by it.