Do you have any phobias?

I don't have that but l do have something that sounds silly and l don't think l would want to share it. Does relate to a fear type of thing, but for me it's an uncomfortable feeling not a fear.
I'm absolutely terrified if someone else is vomiting or about to vomit and have actually fainted over witnessing this in person as a child, but I'm not afraid to vomit or the act of vomiting in the first person sense, which is normally how emetophobia is defined. Guess what I have is something of a subcategory of emetophobia. Granted I haven't thrown up in close to a decade, but I'd attribute this to being generally healthy and having a strong stomach rather than anything fear-related.
I'm terrified of anything with 6 legs or more. Small spiders and things like mosquitoes and flies aren't that bad, but I can't get near anything else. From least scary to most scary for me: -Small spiders and little flies + pill bugs-Beetles that are the size of around a quarter-Medium sized spiders-Giant beetles and big butterflies/moths-Giant Australia spiders (AHHH) and any other big insects like walking sticks and stuff-CENTIPEDES. I HATE CENTIPEDES. I seriously cannot stand them, I can't even look at pictures without getting scared.

I'm also really disturbed by wet band-aids. I don't enjoy going to public places like pools and stuff because it grosses me out so much, and sometimes I'll throw up. This is more of a pet peeve for me though. So seriously, everyone here, DON'T WEAR A BANDAID IN WATER, ITS SO INCONSIDERATE!! Not actually you can do what you want but still, 🤮🤮🤮

surprisingly though, I don't mind bees or wasps. when i was 7 i got stung by 5 wasps at once and i've been stung by a couple bees and it was traumatic but i just am not scared cause i know how to react to and treat a sting/bite.
I'm terrified of anything with 6 legs or more. Small spiders and things like mosquitoes and flies aren't that bad, but I can't get near anything else. From least scary to most scary for me: -Small spiders and little flies + pill bugs-Beetles that are the size of around a quarter-Medium sized spiders-Giant beetles and big butterflies/moths-Giant Australia spiders (AHHH) and any other big insects like walking sticks and stuff-CENTIPEDES. I HATE CENTIPEDES. I seriously cannot stand them, I can't even look at pictures without getting scared.
You must relate a lot to Blathers!
Several, actually:

1) Emetophobia, the fear of vomiting. Whether it be me or someone else who says "I don't feel good", panic WILL set in. Or if I hear someone else throwing up, or see it in movies/on TV, pregnant women having morning sickness, etc.
2) Hemophobia, the fear of blood (though, being a girl, menstrual blood doesn't bother me in the slightest). I cannot sit down whilst having my blood drawn or I'll faint. I don't even have to be looking at/in the direction of the needle. I feel the prick and the uneasiness begins. Or hearing stories about people who got gashes in their legs or got cut on something and they explain in great detail about the amount of blood they lost.
3) Cynophobia, the fear of dogs, but mine is big dogs in particular. I'm not sure why, really. Maybe because I'm tall and they're challenging my height?? (I'm joking, because it's most likely because I've always had a thin frame and I'm terrified of normal things (be it animals, people, or furniture) falling or jumping on/at me and crushing my ribs and killing me.)
4) Astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning. I wouldn't say it's debilitating, but I usually put on headphones to block out the thunder... So take that as you may. (Also I avoid showering during thunderstorms because, and idr if it's true or not, but the myth that you can get electrocuted by doing so terrifies me.)
5) Helianthophobia, which... is kinda obscure. It is the fear of sunflowers. Yes. Sunflowers. They just give me the willies and I really hate looking at one, whether it be in my peripherals or directly. 😅
I am absolutely terrified of tornadoes and I will get panic attacks if it's storming really hard, even if there's no chance of a tornado. It doesn't help that I live in tornado alley.
I'm afraid of bugs. Anything that moves fast or at me or away from me or sneaks around the walls or tucks into corners or has more than four legs, get out of my face.
1) thalassphobia: I'm scared of swimming on a deep ocean, if that makes sense. Like sometimes we would go to a beach and there would be a lot of algae which made the water seem dark and that terrifies me, I could not step on that for my life. I also once went to a lake and the bottom of the lake was literally BLACK, I could not- thank god there was people inside the lake. I also have a fear of swimming alone in a deep pool, I don't know if this is related to this phobia.
2) trypophobia: this is a weird phobia but basically i'm scared of little black holes that are near each other. They make my skin crawl.
3) acrophobia: this one is more common. I'm afraid of heights.

Other weird "phobias":

- I'm hella scared of jewellery. One of my childhood nightmares was waking up on a pool of pearls. Weird.
Pretty mundane, but I'm afraid of heights/long flight of stairs and choking. I won't go anywhere near a cliff ledge if there's no guard rail or a short one (the trip to the Grand Canyon was a nightmare for me. Lots of crowds and little to no railings). This also extends to escalators, like the ones you see in multifloor shopping malls (part of the reason why I hate shopping!). There's a subway stop in the city that I absolutely hate going down because it's narrow, steep, and very, verrrrrry long. The last time I went down it took me about half an hour because I was going one step at a time and gripping the rail with sweaty hands. Never again! 😥

Choking well, it scares me because it's such a dumb way to die and you eat every day. If you're alone and choke, you're pretty much dead and that terrifies me! Even if you around other people, they may not know how to do the heimlich maneuver and if you can't breath for 5 minutes, you're essentially braindead. This is why I avoid chewy foods and hard candies, take small bites, and chew very slowly. I've also taken CPR classes in case someone chokes in front of me and I highly recommend people take those classes too! You never know if a loved one will need help.
I don’t think this counts as a phobia, but I’m scared of big spiders and spiders in general (daddy long legs are okay though!). During hot summers in Australia, bugs and spiders love to come inside your house to escape the heat and it’s terrifying! I once had a big spider hide underneath my clean clothes in the bathtub while I was taking a shower. So when I came out to get dressed, I lifted up my shirt and the spider ran out! I still shudder thinking about it.

I also hate clusters of holes bunched together (trypophobia), they make my skin crawl and make me feel uncomfortably itchy all over. There’s a building in my city which has a bunch of holes closely knit together and I absolutely hate it. I actively try to avoid that area in the city so I wouldn’t have to look at it.
It’s not really a strong phobia but I fear two things:

Cockroaches. They deserve to die. I can’t look at them either alive or dead, but I can’t kill one for the sake of me.

Tsunamis. The worst of the worst, I haven’t experienced one but I have a fear nevertheless.
oof. Robots. Idk, but the thought of a robot - and i mean, like a big robot, as big or bigger than a human - is terrifying. i used to have dreams of our lawn mower (which counts as a robot btw) coming and eating my family. it's just n o .

i also really dislike heights. the image of falling to my death is so freaky i don't think i'll ever enjoy the Eiffel tower or anything of that sort....

yeah.... that's about it ._.
I have trypanophobia (fear of medical needles, like for shots and stuff). Every year when I go get a flu shot I start hyperventilating as soon as the nurse walks into the room. This year, my mom was concerned I'd pass out since I was wearing a mask. I'm a teen and she still has to promise me a full-size candy bar from Walgreens every time. Flu shots don't even hurt at all, it's the needle itself I'm scared of, not the pain. I started sweating a little just writing this.
Acrophobia - Fear of heights, I can't jump down from anything less than 3 feet high :/

Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders, I hate them so much ;-;

Melissophobia - fear of bees, I'm also scared of wasps and I hate being around them, I was stung when I was a toddler so yeah,,,,,,
i have Katsaridaphobia, which is fear of cockroaches. Although I am slightly more brave about cockroaches now, as long as i have the "weapon" to get rid of them and they aren't the flying ones

I think I am also afraid of mantises, especially the big ones
i actually don't have any phobias? i do have a couple strong aversions but not anything that send me into anxiety

one example is, there's a certain plasticy thick glossy paper that some textbooks or flyers are printed on, i think this is just a sensory thing idk. i legitimately cannot stand touching it bc it makes my skin crawl and then i get super uncomfortable
Vomit. It's a real problem that controls my life. I got thrown up on in the 3rd grade, and sat in the nurses office covered in it for 4+ hours because my mom was the director of ICU at a local hospital and she couldn't get out to pick me up. I was sent to school the next day despite the nurses warning and threw up on the playground, in front of my entire grade. I was bullied for it for the remaining three years of elementary school, like, relentlessly. Needless to say, it was pretty traumatic.

Now, I can't even see throw up in movies or TV shows, I always have to research it beforehand. If not, and I see it, I get a panic attack. The most commonly asked question is "what do you do if you throw up?", tbf I haven't gotten sick since the 3rd grade (I'm 18 going on 19 now) because I seem to have given myself some sort of mental block. However, if I have a stomach ache I will go into full mental decompensation, and I would rather die than find out what happens when I throw up.
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Butterflies, especially the ones with vibrant patterns and colours. Once I almost got myself killed by walking into incoming cars just to avoid a butterfly coming my way. I can’t look at photos of them either :/ ironically I find most moths okay to look at. I realised I have an aversion to really vibrant colours in nature maybe? I used to be scared of coral reef fish and colourful birds when I was younger.
MAN. I have a fear of butterflies, a pretty big one, but I would not call it a phobia. Last summer, I tried getting over my fear by visiting a butterfly dome in Mexico City. Although I was riddled with anxiety being surrounded by tiny butterflies, it was not too bad. I was covering my entire body with a shawl though because I could not handle the thought of being touched by a butterfly. It was all fine and good until the tour guide tells us to look up and to observe the beauty of one of the worlds largest butterflies, morph Didius. It's wingspan is of 5-9 inches. THIS THING WAS HUGE. Anyway, the one body part that was not covered of mine was my legs because I was wearing a skirt, and ofc the butterfly decides that it is prime real estate. THIS THING SWOOPED DOWN ON ME AND LANDED ON MY LEG. It was paralyzing fear. I just started crying, and the tour guide eventually got it away from me when it had already flown up my skirt a few times in attempt to escape. I think my fear is worse now but it is a funny memory to look back on.

Also, I think my fear stems from that one SpongeBob episode.
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