Do you think the restocks are at reasonable times?

As the title says...

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Fun fact: only two of our current staff members are American. :)

We always try to choose restock times that work for each and every timezone, but of course this isn't fully comprehensive and is by no means a perfect science. There's unfortunately no way to make restocks work for each individual member, but we do the best we can and try our best to set times that are fair for everyone, or at least make sure one of the times coincides with the less active forum times/timezones. This'll probably be the case until the users riot and replace the staff with cyborgs.

To add to this, it's worth noting that users from the Americas compromise upwards of about 70% of TBT's audience. That doesn't mean that we don't try to include the rest of the world, but using these restock times as an example, it's probably most appropriate to have both times ideal for the Americas while ensuring at least one of the two is ideal for everyone else. In other words, if you're outside of the Americas and only one of the two times works for you... that's probably about how it should be and is the fairest keeping the demographics of the forum in mind.
Honestly, I joined the staff in 2014 because I felt an active EU presence was needed in the staff team. Since I have joined, despite complaints, I know that at least whenever we have had restocks at least one time per restock session has taken Europeans into account. I know this because I have checked every time because it is dear to me as the EU mod. For the current restocks to celebrate out 6,500,000 posts we are seeing them at 8pm my time (UK time) and I think that is very fair. The other (at 4am our time) is meant to appeal to the US audience and that is okay. As when we get one at 8pm our time, that is only 12pm-3pm for Americans and they are probably at work/school anyway. As long as one of the two times is suitable for us then there is no reason to complain. It means we are being catered towards and that is the important thing.

I'm pretty happy with the restock times. I'm EST, so it's at 3pm and 11pm. Good luck to everyone trying to get stuff! I'm so nervous...
I still don't really know when they are. I'd like to know. But I think they should vary the time restocked more. I don't think it's very fair. But I don't have an issue with how little is in the shops at restock time because I get the whole supply and demand thing. I just wish they'd give EVERYBODY an equal chance.
For PST its hard to get to them since 12pm is during school hours and 8pm is easier but has much more traffic making it near impossible to get anything out of. But it has to fair for everyone so I can understand the time choices
The times are great -- I know it's hard to please everyone, but there's 2 and they're spaced out, so hopefully if you can't make one you can make the other. Being in the UK I can make one at 8pm which is very convenient, the 4am not so much but I'm not bothered/worried about making both times. And if the times are out of the way for you, if you were that bothered you'd make an effort to accommodate the times.
I feel like the two times are okay mostly since I'm in PST. However, I do think having restocks 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, & evening) would work better for everyone who doesn't live in the US but I could see that being too much work for the staff.
i'm only going to try to catch the house restock. they are at 2 pm & 10 pm for me, so that's good i guess.
To add to this, it's worth noting that users from the Americas compromise upwards of about 70% of TBT's audience. That doesn't mean that we don't try to include the rest of the world, but using these restock times as an example, it's probably most appropriate to have both times ideal for the Americas while ensuring at least one of the two is ideal for everyone else. In other words, if you're outside of the Americas and only one of the two times works for you... that's probably about how it should be and is the fairest keeping the demographics of the forum in mind.

Good point. It wouldn't be fair to have a restock at 6:00 A.M. EDT just to cater to the European users when they make up a relatively small percentage of the membership because they would only have to compete with about 20% of users while people in North America would have to compete against 70% of users for restocks. The 12:00 P.M. PDT time isn't good for most Americans because of work, school, etc., so it probably ends up being fair in that regard.

And if the times are out of the way for you, if you were that bothered you'd make an effort to accommodate the times.

Not really. Unless collectibles are intended to be a badge of honor that you have no life, it isn't worth skipping school or cancelling plans just to make a restock where your odds of getting anything are shaky.
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9pm and 5am sucks. Well, I guess the 9pm one is pretty acceptable.

Timezones are gonna timezone though.
It's 2 pm and 10 pm for me, so I guess they're pretty reasonable considering they fit perfectly with my schedule.

Which is ironic, the one restock I'm lacking tbt, and it's literally the perfect timing.
I really do think they pocked good times. Keep pocking good times please. I love pock it is better than poppycock.