Do you try to balance out the personality types in your town?


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Nov 16, 2013
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I just realized I have 3 jocks in town, but I love all 3 of them so I think I'm gonna have to sacrifice a personality type or two on my island, since I plan to move in two normals.

Do you guys try to avoid duplicate personality types like that on your island as much as possible? I wasn't really paying attention and just moved in whomever I thought was cute and I liked aesthetically, so there's a few personality type overlaps there. I would like more diversity in dialogue, but I'm quite attached to them now. I'm not a huge fan of Smugs and Crankies, so I guess this works out.
Well since there are 8 personalities and 10 villager spots I'm gonna need a couple of duplicates.

I'm gonna try to get one of each villager and then have two cranky and two snooty. I'd like the unique dialogue!
I do. I make a conscious effort to at least have one of each personality. I’m not sure if it affects anything but I just want to be sure I get diverse dialogues and I read somewhere that they may have different DIYs as well.
I do. I have 2 lazy and 2 peppy now though. I want to scan beau in but then I’ll have 3 lazy and I feel like I need more variety... however I do love lazies
I do but right now I have 2 uchi and 2 normal, and only 1 of each boy personality type. I like balancing out the genders too so I'm hoping to change this as soon as I can get some villagers to move out.
somewhat, but a lot lot less than in NL, where getting town dev projects was DEPENDANT on their personalities. one of the worst function imo lmfao. love having the freedom to NOT HAVE TO have all the personalities, even if i do personally like them all
i try not to get duplicates, but it is unavoidable. i'd like to have 1 of each as villagers i "keep", and then the 2 left over will be villagers i just let move in an out without a care. kinda like a low-effect cycling town within my main town ig? i dont know much about cycling towns.
I use to, but I'm not worrying about it too much this time around. Though I'd definitely not want like 3 of the same personality, that is for sure. ACNH's villager dialogue is a lot better than New Leaf, but personalities still like to repeat themselves eventually.
I try to keep a variety because otherwise the repetitive dialogue gets irritating.

I've 9 villagers at the moment and I'm missing a snooty type. Not for a lack of trying to find one mind! I ended up with two peppies and two smugs. Funny cos they're not my fave personality types (in fact they're among my least favourite), but Pinky and Lopez somehow talked their way into an invite.
Yes my town has one of each except two jocks (because I really like my starter jock Teddy but of course I had to invite Tad). We're actually planning on keeping it at nine villagers - we don't want repeat personalities (Tad is an exception) and my sister thinks our island is crowded enough with nine houses :p
I prefer to have one of each personality, but one thing led to another and now I have three smugs. I am on the lookout for a cranky.
nope. i think my dream island consists of 4 snooty, 1 normal, an uchi, 2 peppy, and a lazy. i dont care for the other types anyways
I try and have one of each personality and then whichever other villagers I love! they usually end up being lazy/peppy/normal though lmao
Yes, i want one villager of each personality but because we have to have duplicates i might end up with 2 snooty and 2 cranky, or 2 peppy and 2 smug. I might consider 2 normals even though they are not my favorite.

I had 3 smug villagers at one point in new leaf and it was too much! but i understand wanting more than two villagers of the same personality type.
as of right now I plan on one of each type plus an extra snooty and cranky. honestly I'd love to kick out one of the personalities I don't like and make room for more crankies, since I love so many of them that I genuinely can't decide who I want, but I feel like at 3 (or more) the dialogue would get way too repetitive.
Kinda. I'm not crazy about peppy and snooty villagers so I sometimes go without those, but I try to have a mix. The dialogue just becomes repetitive if I don't.
Yes, in New Leaf I always tried to have one of each personality, then let the two leftover slots be filled by whoever. I plan on doing the same in New Horizons. Makes the town feel much more varied.
i do because even though we don't need specific personalities for pwps anymore, i don't like hearing the same dialogue so often. unfortunately, i haven't had a ton of original dialogue in nh so far and talking to my villagers has already become a little stale ;;;