Does it bother you when people mispronounce your name?

Some people mispronounce my last name, even though I think it's a really easy name to say lol. My primary school principal used to mispronounce it every time I got an award and it used to annoy me. Nowadays it doesn't bother me, I more find it amusing or funny.
nope, my irl name is paris, so you can imagine theres not much room for mispronunciation. but i like when mexican ladies will pronounce it as pair-ee with the r roll. some of my family members say it that way too
No, not at all really. I know that they are trying to to talk to me and such lol If someone has an accent it may make pronouncing my name harder for them though my name is very fairly simple.
Not really, but I hate when I get mistaken for Nicola. I often get people who spell my name as Nichole and it irritates me.
My entire name (first, middle and last) is very very common; honestly it would be a very interesting occurrence if someone were to mispronounce it.
SO I started going by a different name in most of my social circles towards the end of June, and now for the first time in my life I'm experiencing people mispronouncing my name! I've been called "Eve" and "Evie" by several different people now (neither is correct). I don't mind at all if someone messes it up when they meet me, but I do find it interesting when they continue to mess it up after hearing it pronounced correctly by 10 other isn't hard to say or sound out at all.
Nope but It used to since every time i had a substitute in school I’d always have to explain how to say it, but I honestly just stopped caring about it. I’ve thought about just going by a nickname but I’m so used to being called by my first name :’)
Not really. I have a weird name. If they don’t know me, how are they supposed to know? If they’re doing it intentionally that’s one thing, but people make mistakes. My parents made the stupid decision to call me by my middle name. It’s caused a ton of problems at work since my first name appears everywhere instead of my middle name. A few people still insist on calling me by my first name, which is foreign to me. Oddly enough…I’ve just gotten used to it as my work name. I’m just like…whatever…about it. I corrected people for years but just got tired of it.
Sorta but they don't actually say the name name, they would say the shorter version. Another problem is they can never pronounce my last name and it's funny how they would say the beginning part xD
Some people mispronounce my last name because they get it mixed up with another last name but it's not a huge difference.

I get more annoyed when people misspell my last name because they assume it's a different name instead of actually checking or making sure. This happens even on important documents so it's a pain needing to ask for it to be corrected. If it's something more minor like an email then I normally don't say anything. There's plenty of people though who will ask me which one it is to make sure and I feel heart-warmed when they do. 🥺
I actually look forward to discovering new ways for my name to be pronounced. My own husband doesn’t say it correctly due to not speaking my primary language, and I find it rather adorable. I still enjoy having experienced a teacher accidentally call me Duke during roll call; it became a nickname during middle school that, while some would have been annoyed by, I found myself embracing it due to how different it was.
my Belarusian surname is very rare in Australia (I think my family is the only with it in Australia?) so understandably I don’t feel comfortable sharing it, though it is very hard to pronounce for non-Slavic speakers. Always get funny looks lol.
nearly impossible to mispronounce my first name tbh. it’s been a LONG time since my last name was mispronounced, almost everyone has been asking first. but in the past people would stutter and add random letters to it like calm down it’s not that hard. Sound it out please
I think I’m just tired of hearing it pronounced the wrong way. I feel like “Tarah” is super easy, but I get “tar-uh” a majority of the time instead haha. pls

but I’m also terrible at names so honestly
I don't really have this issue but I can definitely see how it would be frustrating to people who has this happen to them all the time.
I will say that my first name is very easy to say, but I go by a shortened version of it. People always get confused as to what my real name is and call me different variations of it when I don’t even use my full name. My full name sounds kind of feminine to me so I go by the shortened version which isn’t as feminine. I used to not like it, but now I’m kind of indifferent? It would feel weird to be called anything else, if I’m being honest.
My name irl is the same as my username and people mispronounce it all the time lmao
it's uh-lay-nuh
but people say e-lawn-uh a lot and other variations, I literally don't care though and just go 'yep that's me'
Not in the slightest. My first and middle name never have a problem, but my last name has multiple variations and I always have to spell it out for people.
Not at all! Especially if they have not heard how I pronounce my name, then how are they to know? I'll just politely correct them, no fuss needed ^-^