Events & Collectibles General Discussion


lel, they should totally restock fair prizes for tbt just to watch people with like 38k spend everything lol.
so do you guys think there will be new original holiday collectibles this month (in addition to the lights)?

i bet there will be-- my guess would be candy canes, holiday stockings, and/or holiday wreath...
so do you guys think there will be new original holiday collectibles this month (in addition to the lights)?

i bet there will be-- my guess would be candy canes, holiday stockings, and/or holiday wreath...

I hope so!!! :> that would be so cute!
This might be off-topic, but since I don't think there is a "collectible guide", how do you get the HHD collectible?
And this year's fair hasn't happened yet, right? Or it isn't an annual event?

Sorry, I've been away for too long, haha...
This might be off-topic, but since I don't think there is a "collectible guide", how do you get the HHD collectible?
And this year's fair hasn't happened yet, right? Or it isn't an annual event?

Sorry, I've been away for too long, haha...

It was on sale briefly after its(game) release.. late september/early october I think(correct me if I'm wrong) so you can no longer get it.

Fair might be next year from what I've heard, let's hope for some xmas-y event now though c:
This might be off-topic, but since I don't think there is a "collectible guide", how do you get the HHD collectible?
And this year's fair hasn't happened yet, right? Or it isn't an annual event?

Sorry, I've been away for too long, haha...

We decided not to run the TBT Fair this year. Instead we have a Christmas event coming very soon!! :)
As far as I'm aware, yes. We can't usually run a Christmas event due to the sheer enormity of the Fair.

By late this week, do you mean like Sunday? xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

Anyway, I am very excited! :D
By late this week, do you mean like Sunday? xD

I hope it's not on the weekend... that's when I'm always busy~ whereas during the week I'm on a computer for 80hrs+! Make it a weeeekday pleeeeaseeee
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Red and Green Presents from ACNL as collectibles pls
and red balloon bc u forgot it last year ;')
I do not really have expectations for this event as of now, but I would like it to be different that Halloween. I liked the Fire Festival in the sense that you needed to work to get points for collectibles, in contrast to Halloween, where the rich and the fast got the collectibles. The best way to go about this would probably be similar to the fair; earning points to use instead of TBT for collectibles, that are ultimately trade-able.
That way, if you would like to earn TBT for your hard work, you could sell the collectibles. So I am hoping for a mix between Halloween and Fire Festival!

Idk if this makes any sense, but the Fair had this style and it appears to be a huge hit!
not rly looking forward to any event bc most of them require skills so the same ppl win each fair, or events that are similar to that
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not rly looking forward to any event bc most of them require skills so the same ppl win each fair, or events that are similar to that

Well to be honest, it was really easy to get feathers. You got tickets just for entering and I entered using the bare minimum just because I didn't have the time due to RL but wanted the tickets. I literally sent a picture of a stick figure drawing for the art contest. So you don't need to be an artist, you just need to put in some effort which is way better than a restock where whoever has the fastest internet wins.

I agree with Jacob and hope that it's a mixture of both events as well. I didn't get a chance to participate in the Fire Festival, but I liked the idea :]
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I love the Christmas/TBT fairs. Can't wait...

But please... no more new collectibles this time... maybe just plenty of restocks xD