Fallen Turnip Memorials


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
It was promised to be a festive and happy week for The Bell Tree forums. Where its inhabitants could reminisce about their past towns. They even had the opportunity to grow their very own turnip. Sadly, some of these people had other responsibilities or just simply forgot and their turnips are no longer with us. This thread is to remember the 44 turnips that have been lost so far.

Once this week is over, all the fallen turnips shall be rounded up and laid to rest in this spot, shown below. If you have personally lost a turnip, you may request a custom tombstone to help it be remembered.

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How do you know how many have been lost so far?

Also I'm surprised I haven't forgotten to buy the watering can yet, my turnip is still doing very well tucked away in my inventory :blush:

(RIP all those dead turnips tho, gone but never forgotten)
Wish these turnips go to Red Turnip Heaven (I would love to see a drawing of all the red turnips in heaven).
started with 108, and there's currently 73 left

Sorry if I sound kinda dumb but where did ya get the number 73 from??

- - - Post Merge - - -

Nvm I'm a dummy, just found this post:

Only 73 turnips still growing!

It'll be interesting to see how many are left by the end of the event.
This is a really neat thread idea and also, really sorry for everyone's turnips who died so far, but no need to worry. There will always be a next time, like next year for instance. :)
RIP my turnip, I was too busy with getting money from random old men online and now I have no more food to feed me and my baby :( #singlemotherprobs
I love this thread, & hopefully I will never have to use it. The edits are 👌
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May my tiny turnip friend rest in peace ... in my moment of ignorance I forgot to water you. :( (Death by negligence F).
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