Favourite Time of Day?

What is your favourite time of day?

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evening, cuz things look pretty and stuff. the sky becomes so pretty.. i love it!
night, cuz things are pretty calm. something about the closed stores, dead quietness and lights from houses and 24/7 stores makes it pretty aesthetic.
Definitely Morning or Noon.
I'm a morning person. Waking up early is a huge yes for me unless it's summer and I was playing games all night. But even then, I can run off of an hour of sleep.
Noon is nice because it's the middle of the day :) It's not too late in the day to get started on things.
Nighttime; I enjoy the peace and quiet. The stars and moon look nice too.
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Evening. Sunsets where I live are so beautiful and colorful. ; v ;
morning is my favorite because the sunrise here tends to be better than the sunset, also it's nice and cool out so you can chill outside with some coffee or something. also, breakfast food ftw
Definitely the morning. I feel so much more motivated and productive in the morning.
It's a tie between very early morning and the dead of night, both very peaceful
Noon because everything seems to wind down a bit after the lunch hour and it's nice to see places where there aren't much people and just relax and take in the view. Compliment that with a sunny weather and I'm good with that!
Why does night havea ? lmao
I like once it hits dark cause then everyone else is inside & I don't have to deal with them
Night, because that's the time when I have a creative phase.. and being outside the 1 am in winter -especially if it is raining- is such a great feeling!
Evenings and nights feel oddly cozy! Even more so when I don't have to wake up early in the following morning.
probably night. It's just a time where it's more peaceful and I get to relax and wind down after the day, play some games and sleep.
I prefer mornings and noon. I like the sun rays at that time. I like night times too but sometimes they feel lonely. I prefer the sounds of morning amd noons.
The morning and the early afternoon?I feel so awake and at peace during those hours.
I adore mornings. Granted, I'm far more of a Night Owl, but there's something about mornings. My doggies groggily waking up before getting super excited for food and potty time, the birds chirping to one another to wake everyone up. And of course, breakfast foods!!!