• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Fitness Check In

Day 4
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
Last rest day before I exercise again. My muscles aren’t feeling sore anymore and I’m back to full strength.
Day # 2
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
I completed a single daily repetition of all of the stretches my doctor suggested. Still no pain and I was able to bring my knees closer to my body today.
Day 5
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
Went and exercised for awhile. Worked on my upper body today by using both machines and weights. Now my arms are sore, but it was worth it.
Day # 3
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
I forgot to do my stretches yesterday, so we'll call it a rest day.

Day # 4
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
I completed two repetitions of all of the stretches my doctor suggested. Still no pain and it felt good to stretch out my back so I made the executive decision to double up after missing a day yesterday.
Day 6-7:
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
Double rest day until I exercise again tomorrow. My arms are starting to feel better. Did a couple stretches and had a plant-based protein shake.
Day # 5
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
I completed a single daily repetition of all of the stretches my doctor suggested. I go back to the doctor tomorrow and will ask about increasing this since it seems to help and causes me no pain.
Day 8
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
Did leg day and got a lot accomplished. Now I’m sore all over, but that’s fine because it means I’m getting stronger. 😤
Day #34
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
30 minutes on elliptical. Made it through the first 21 "steps" on Aerobic 3. 16 5lb Romanian deadlifts.

Well between the holidays and being sick, I decided to just take the weekend off. Again, I powered through to get back to where I should have been though. Meant to post this yesterday because it was done yesterday, but I got busy.
Day #35
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
30 minutes on elliptical. Made it through the first 23 "steps" on Aerobic 3.

I had a wonky day and I was midway through the workout before I remembered that I hadn't eaten anything at all. Oops.
Went to the gym today. Pushed myself as hard as I usually do.
I'm really looking forward to the gains I'm going to achieve, and wish I could get there faster.
I wanna be a fitness goddess.
Day # 8
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
I completed two full repetitions of all of the stretches my doctor suggested. I did them both late tonight, but I think it's better when I spread them out so I'll keep that in mind going forward. I just got really busy with work today and didn't think about doing them until later.
Days 9-11
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
Triple rest day as both my legs and arms were sore, and I was dealing with a lot. I’ll be going back to the gym tomorrow to exercise again.
Day # 9
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
I completed two full repetitions of all of the stretches my doctor suggested. This time I did one set during my morning break and the second set at night.
Day 105-110
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
Rest week. Got busy, sick, and lazy. Not necessary in that order and most of the time a combination of all three.
Day 111
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
I didn't have to deviate so much from normal since I only took a weekish off instead of a few months. Had to do a few less reps but that's ok. Got to get back on a horse and continue the journey instead of thinking of it as "starting over".
Full plank - 1 set of 3 (45s). Plank to elbow 1 set of 3 (45s). I did give up on the last few seconds of these.
Dumbbell bench press - 3 sets of 15 (30lb). Dumbbell shoulder press - 3 sets of 9 (30lb). Reverse crunches - 3 sets of 20. Standing skull crushers 3 sets of 10 (15lb). Body weight half squats - 3 sets of 10
Day 12
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
Worked on upper body and my arms today using machines and weights. Had a protein shake and some mashed potatoes afterwards.
Day 112
Workout/Rest Day Summary:

Reverse crunches 3 sets of 10
Walking lunges 3 sets of8 reps (30lb).
Did some stretching today for hamstring and hip flexors.