For those switch users, do you have colored joycons?

I have two sets of the red and blue variety, but they're reversed in terms of which one is the left and which is the right.
I originally bought a Switch with Grey Joy-cons but I later got the Splatoon coloured Green and Pink ones and sold my grey ones to someone wanting a second pair so his whole family could play. This year both my Joy-cons were suffering from stick drift so I bought the Orange and Purple ones to use while I sent the Green and Pink ones in for free repair. I’m still waiting to get them back but I look forward to mix and matching them. Before sending them off the Green and Orange was a combo I really liked.
When I got the Switch, I got the standard gray ones. Not sure why. It wasn't really a "macho" thing...but, I guess it was partially because I thought "I'll look less silly playing this in public than I would if it was brightly colored". But, yeah...that didn't last long anyway...because, I grew to love some of the bright colors. Now I have the neon purple/neon orange "Wario" joycons, and the neon yellow/blue set as well. I love both. I haven't used my gray set since I got the colored ones. I just keep them around for multiplayer, and so if anything ever happens that causes my colored ones to work poorly, I have backups. I also plan to get more joycons if I ever have spare cash to do so. I still would like to get the Animal Crossing set that comes in the robin's egg blue and mint colors. Honestly...I'm kind of addicted to buying different joycons. I feel like Nintendo should be producing even more color combinations. As many as there are, there still aren't enough. Lol.
Mine are the basic Grey color that matches the system itself. I really like the look of the Purple & Orange set, but I never use my Joy-Cons due to the fear of them succumbing to drift, instead opting to use the Pro Controller for most games and the GameCube controller for Super Smash Bros. As such, I'll probably never be comfortable throwing around $79.99 for Joy-Cons I'd be hesitant to ever use due to their inherent design flaw.
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I have two sets. One pair of grey joy-cons and the other pair is pink and green.
Still using the grey ones, but I mostly play docked with a pro controller. I've just put stickers on them and the dock because they're mostly decorative at this point. And ofc the left one has a really bad drift issue so it isn't like I could use them easily anyways. I bought the grey ones initially because I knew I wanted to change over to a pro controller as soon as possible, and having a more neutral background like grey would look nicer to slap stickers on
I only own colored joycons aside from my pro controller lol

I own the red and blue joycons that came with the switch and the Splatoon themed ones (pink and green).
Thankfully it didn't get joycon drift before I got the newer joycons. So far I haven't had any problems with it besides the red and blue ones that drift from time to time.
I started with the red and blue pair, but later I also got the green and pink pair. They all drift, though... I actually forced myself to use the pro controller for Animal Crossing.
I have the yellow and blue ones, gray (came with the switch I bought), green and pink, and orange and purple^^ I really want to get the animal crossing ones but I think the only way to get them seperately from the exclusive switch is order from Japan? Even then maybe not. I also wanna get the red mario ones, because I hate the neon red colour with the blue and red ones. Plus I want them the same colour, but at the end of the day I just wanna own them all xD
Mainly because I love collecting, and it's great to personalise your switch and change it up excetera. Plus they all go faulty eventually so it's great to have backups ^~^
when i bought my switch i had the grey pair of joycons, and kept that pairing until 2018 or 2019 maybe? anyways my sister and i traded joycons (she had the neon blue + red) and so now i have my og left grey joycon a neon red one on the right! i think it looks super cool. the color combo reminds me a little of the NES.

and she had a blue joycon on the left and my grey one on the right, before she rehoused her switch to be pink.
Have the default gray. I want the watermelon or New Horizons joycons but only ever use my pro controller anyway. 🤷‍♀️
Still have the grey ones from launch. They're still working absolutely fine, but after this long I'm expecting them to start drifting any day now...

An update, 3 days later:

It has begun. I should have kept my mouth shut.

I have a pro controller, but I might treat myself and get the blue/neon yellow ones if it starts getting bad?
Nah idc what color types l have, l just stick with mine 2 blue and 2 red joy cons. But with switch pro controllers, l have theme ones and different color ones.
I have the AC switch, so mine are pastel green and blue. I loooove them - such a nice color. I didn't vibe with neon red and blue, or the grey. If the AC console hadn't been so nice, I'm not sure what I would have gone with.

(But if/when I buy a spare set, I'll probably get neon yellow and dark blue).
I have the pink and green, and the orange and purple. I have to restrain myself from the blue and yellow just to have a rainbow lol
Mine are the black that came with the Switch. Well, they were till I broke the left one by fiddling with it because of drift issues. I got the these knock off brand cause they were half the price of the official. I thought clear would be cool...I hate them for various reasons and I'm thinking of selling them and buying a left d-pad LoZ joycon that is for handheld only, an official one.
This one specifically:

I gotta say, the red Mario one looks pretty dang sweet, too. But, since my right joycon is black I want them to match at least somewhat. Still, again, the Mario one is cool looking with its angled text. Neither one really match since they're slightly transparent and not a matte solid color, but it'll be close enough.
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