I heard a story from a family member, where her and her friends messed with one. Until an evil spirit predicted one of their deaths. Which came true. They never touched a board again and I've been told to Never ever go near one.
I have a few experiences from about 10 years ago and it was pretty crazy. We asked the name of the person and it spelled "Ron" which is the name of a family friend who lived with us until he passed away in his sleep one night. I remember I was playing Mario Kart DS and they asked what character I was playing as and it spelled "Mario." I was playing as Luigi. Close enough lol
never used an actual one and i'm never going to, but when I was 11 or 12 my friend and I tried an online one. i have no idea if those are legit or not. anyway, my friend asked what its name was and... it spelled out my name. omg. i'm hoping it was a coincidence but i was so freaked out, i went out onto the deck and let my friend keep talking to it by herself.
a couple minutes later she came out and told me that the board said it was 32 and it died in a fire. ever since then i've lowkey been paranoid that it was predicting my death. ;-;
I have not! I'm not superstitious at all so that kind of thing does not interest me