Help Raskell study?

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Saving for a username change KEK
Dec 22, 2016
So, please ask me any questions from this document! I need to learn this document by heart. Every single last detail. Each single word.

Please help! >3

It has not been updated since the beginning of this year! :( Please keep that in mind.

Too big for TBT! xD (see below)
General Knowledge Handout

1. What are the six JROTC objectives that help develop a cadet?

a. Good citizenship and patriotism
b. Self-reliance, leadership, and responsiveness to constituted authority
c. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing
d. Appreciation of the importance of physical fitness
e. Appreciation of the role of the United States Army in support of the National objectives
f. Knowledge of basic military skills

2. Army Chain-Of-Command:

*Commander In Chief President Barack H. Obama
*Secretary of Defense Honorable Ashton Carter
*Secretary of the Army Honorable Eric K Fanning
*Army Chief of Staff General Mike A Miley * Sergeant Major of the Army SMA Daniel A Daily
*CG, TRADOC General David G Perkins
*TRADOC Sergeant Major CSM David S Davenport
*CG, Cadet Command MG Christopher P Hughes
*Cadet Command Sergeant Major CSM Kenneth J Kraus Jr
*Commander, 5th Brigade Colonel Jason M Halloren
*5th Brigade, Sergeant Major CSM Roderick D. Hodo
Senior Army Instructor (SAI) Lieutenant Colonel (R) John Stanley
Cadet/Battalion Commander C/LTC

3. ****What is the mission of JROTC?

To motivate young people to become better citizens.

4. ****What is the key to success in JROTC?

The key to success in JROTC is TEAMWORK.

Cadet Rank Structure:

5. ***What rank is a cadet with _________________?

Officer Ranks
Two diamonds Lieutenant Colonel
One diamond Major
Three disks Captain
Two disks 1st Lieutenant
One disk 2nd Lieutenant

Enlisted Ranks
Three Stripes Up/three down a star and a wreath Command Sergeant Major
Three Stripes Up/three down and a star Sergeant Major
Three Stripes Up/three down and a diamond First Sergeant
Three Stripes Up/three down Master Sergeant
Three Stripes Up/two down Sergeant First Class
Three stripes Up/one down Staff Sergeant
Three stripes Sergeant
Two stripes Corporal
One Stripe Up/one down Private First
One Stripe up Private

6. ****What is the Heimlich maneuver used for?

To clear a blocked airway

7.****What do the letters ?CPR? stands for and what is it used for?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and it is used to restore a heartbeat and restore breathing to a patient.

8. ****What is first aid?

The assistance someone provides to an injured person until medical personnel arrive.

9. ****What is mouth-to mouth resuscitation used for?

To restore breathing

10. ****What are the four life-saving steps?

a. Check and clear airway and restore breathing
b. Check for and stop bleeding
c. Check and treat for shock
d. Dress and bandage the wound

Map Reading

11. ****What are the five basic colors found on a military map and what do they represent?

Blue Water
Green Vegetation
Brown Contour, elevation, and relief
Black Manmade objects
Red Other manmade objects and densely populated areas

12. ****What instrument would you use to determine a magnetic azimuth in a field environment?


13. ****What instrument is used to determine grid azimuth on a map?


14. ****What are the five major terrain features?

Hilltop, ridgeline, saddle, valley, depression

15. ****How many north?s are found on a military map and what are they called?

True north, magnetic north and grid north

Drill and Ceremony:

16. ****How many inches in a normal step in marching?

30 inches

17. ****Which foot can you give the command halt on?

Either foot

18. ****What position are you allowed to speak while in formation?

The position of ?Rest?

19. ****All stationary commands are given from which position?

The position of ?Attention?

20. ****What is the rate of March for ?Quick Time??

120 steps per minute

21. ****What is the rate of March for ?Double Time??

180 steps per minute

U.S. Military History

22. ****Who were the primary antagonists during World War I (who did the U.S. and its allies fight)?

Germany and Austria-Hungary

23. ****Who were the primary antagonists during World War II (who did the U.S. and its allies fight)?

Germany, Italy and Japan

24. ****What happened on 7 December 1941 in Hawaii?

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor

25. ****Who was the Commander of the revolutionary Army?

George Washington

26. ****What war accounted for the most American casualties?

The U.S. Civil War

27. ****What war was fought during the 1960?s and 1970?s?

The Vietnam War

28. ****What country did the U.S. and its allies fight in the Gulf War?

Citizenship and the Constitution

29. ****What are the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution known as?

The Bill of Rights

30. ****Which amendment grants the ?Freedom of Speech??

The First Amendment

31. ****What age is a U.S. Citizen first allowed to vote?

18 years old
32. ****What are the two primary political parties?

The Republican Party and the Democratic Party

General Areas

33. What is your 1st General Order?

I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.

34. What is your 2nd General Order?

I will obey all my special orders and perform all of my duties kin a military manner.

35. What is your 3rd general Order?

I will report all violations of my special orders, emergencies and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of relief.

36. How should the JROTC uniform be worn?

With pride

37. What are the two major categories of rank for cadets and military personnel?

Officers and enlisted personnel

38. What title is given to the cadet leader in charge of the company?
Company commander

39. Being a good follower is an important part of what concept?

Being a good follower is an important part of being a good leader.

40. What does the position of Honor indicate?

Those of a lower rank walk or sit to the left of those senior in rank

41. How do you show respect to the National Anthem when out doors in uniform?

Stand at the position of attention and render a hand salute to the U.S. flag.

42. What is meant by the flag being at half-staff?

A sign of mourning

43. Blood that is bright red in color and shooting out in spurts is an indication of what type of bleeding?

Arterial bleeding

44. What are the three firing positions in air rifle marksmanship?

Prone, kneeling, and standing

45. How many types of military flags are there and specific there sizes?

Garrison 20x38 feet
Post 10x19 feet
Storm 5x9 ? feet

46. When is the Garrison flag flown?

Special occasions

47. When is the Post flag flown?

Fair weather

48. When is the Storm flag flown?

Inclement weather

49. What is the honor point of our flag?

The blue shield

50. What do the colors on the U.S. flag represent?

White purity
Red hardiness, valor
Blue Vigilance, Justice, and perseverance

51. What do the stripes on the U.S. flag represent?

The original 13 colonies

52. How many red and white stripes on the U.S. flag?

Red 7
White 6

53. Recite the description of the .30 Cal M1 rifle?

Lightweight, semiautomatic, gas operated, with an 8 round internal box, clip loaded, clip ejected after last round fired.

54. What is a map?

A map is a drawing, made to scale of the earth?s surface as seen from above.

55. What is the rule for reading a set of coordinates?

Read to the right and up

56. What is the legend of a map?

A chart explaining the symbols used on a map

57. What is the scale of a map?
The fixed distance between the distance on the map and corresponding distance on the ground.

58. What is the bar scale on the map used for?

The bar scale on the map is used to convert map distance to ground distance.

59. What are colors on the map used for? To distinguished objects on the map.

60. Identify the directions used on a topographic map.

Grid, magnetic and true north

61. What is the declination diagram on a map used for?

To convert grid azimuth to magnetic azimuths and magnetic azimuth to grid azimuth.

62. What is an azimuth?

An azimuth is a horizontal clockwise angle measured from a known reference point.

63. What is meant by the marginal information on a map?

The data placed around the outer edges of a military map.

64. What are the three ways to stop bleeding?

Direct pressure, pressure point, and tourniquet
65. What are the three methods of opening the airway?

Head tilt, jaw lift, and thumb jaw method

66 Define leadership.

Leadership is the ability to influence and direct others to accomplish an assigned mission with purpose, direction and motivation.

67. Who salutes first?

The junior in rank always salutes first. All salutes should be returned.

68. Where and when do we salute outdoors?

We salute outdoors within six to thirty steps; upon recognition; or when eye contact is made.

69. Who salutes for a detail?

The person in charge of the detail salutes first.

70 What is command?

Command is the authority a person in the military service exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank, assignment and position.

71 As a cadet officer or NCO what are you responsible for?

I am responsible for training, discipline, and the welfare of those individuals assigned to my control.

72. What is discipline?

Discipline is the individual?s attitude that insures prompt obedience to orders.

73. What is a LEADER?

A leader is any person in a position of responsibility who influences and directs people.

75. What are the three characteristics of effective writing?

Simple, readable, and understandable

76. List the three parts of a research paper.

Introduction, body, and conclusion

77. What are the two parts of an oral drill command?

Preparatory and command of execution

78. You may talk while you are in what drill position?


79. Define drill.

Drill is the process of moving an element from one point to another in unison and precision.

80. Recite the JROTC creed.

I am an Army Junior ROTC cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets. I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body. I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.

81. Name the Governor of Texas?

Honorable Greg Abbott, the 48th Governor

82. Name the three types of teaching methods.

Lecture, conference, and demonstration

83. What agency is available to the Governor in case of disaster or civil disturbance?

The Army National Guard

84. Q: What color socks are worn with the class A or B uniform?
A: Black socks.

85. Q: What type of shirt is worn under the Army Cadet Service Uniform coat?
A: The gray sleeve or short sleeve shirt.

86. Q: The black necktie/neck tab is optional when wearing what type of uniform?
A: Class B uniform with short sleeves.

87. Q: What color t-shirt is worn with the Army Cadet Service Uniform?
A: White.

88. Q: What uniform is worn during ceremonies and social functions?
A: The ACSU Class A or B

89. Q: What uniform is worn at summer camps and for participation on special teams?
A: ACUs.

90. Q: What insignia do cadet officers wear on the grey beret?
A: Grade or rank insignia.

91. Q: What insignia do enlisted cadets wear on the beret?
A: ROTC insignia.

92. Q: What color t-shirt is worn with the ACU uniform?
A: Tan or sand

93. Q. What does ACSU stand for?
A: Army Cadet Service Uniform

94. Q. How is the grade (or ROTC) insignia worn on the grey beret?
A. Centered on the flash

95. Q: Where is the Honor Unit insignia worn?
A: One-fourth of an inch and centered above the top of the right pocket (for female
cadets it is worn ? inch above the nameplate)

96. Q: How are ribbons positioned on the Army Service Uniform?

A: Ribbons are centered on the left side 1/8 of an inch above the left pocket for males
For Females parallel to the nametag which is between 1 and 2 inches above the top button.

97. Q: How often must a uniform be worn by cadets?
A: At least once per week.

98. Q: Can a male cadet wear an earring in uniform?
A: NO.

99. Q: What size/color earrings can female cadets wear?
A: Small silver, gold or white spherical earrings not to exceed 1/4 inch in diameter.

100. Q: How is the nameplate worn on your uniform?
A: Center the nameplate on the right pocket between the top of pocket and the
top of the button for males. (Females: 1 to 2 inches above the top button centered horizontally on the right side of the coat. In a comparable position on the shirt.).

101. Q: What regulation covers the wear of the uniform?
A: AR 670-1 and CCR 145-2.

102. Q: How are shoulder board ranks worn?
A: Cadet Officers place the pointed end toward the collar and the flat end toward
the edge of the shoulder; for enlisted cadets, place the side with the pointed chevron toward the collar.

103. Q: Are shoulder boards authorized for wear with the class B uniform?
A: Yes

104. Q: What does ACU stand for?
A: Army combat uniform.

105. Q: What color socks are worn with the Army Cadet Service Uniform?
A: Black socks
heckin long document there.

What instrument would you use to determine a magnetic azimuth in a field environment?
Whilst I get this is somewhat different, please use your existing ask thread instead. You can always update the title and OP if you want it to reflect study help!
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