Could you please add Punchy to my lurk list?
S**t! May I lurk for Fang?! I just lost him due to TT..
Is Annalisa still available?
Can I lurk for Shari the uchi monkey? :3
Could I take her for my 2nd town?
That's fine
Sweet, thanks! I'll add you now.
I'm no longer lurking for Willow, but still for Soleil. Thanks
May I lurk for Merengue?
Hi Can I lurk for Pekoe or Maple?
can I lurk for Tank please?
I've finally adopted Lolly. Thank you for letting me to lurk for her.
Hey you can take me off the lurk list for Kabuki! I got him but I'm still after Jacques
Is it possible for me to reserve Moe? Unfortunately, some problems came up with my save file that I need a bit more time to fix.