May I please pick him up with my cycle? The town I want him in isn't ready...
It doesn't matterThank you so much! I'm ready. My void isn't clear though and it's a cycle town. Ugh. Want me to clear it first?
Can I please lurk for Marshal and Merengue?
I got Zucker! So you can remove me from the lurking list. x3
Lurking for Alli the Alligator :0
i'll take her if no one else has! she's a dreamie :3
i added! lmk when you're ready
ah this is embarrassing i just turned on my game to find someone moving in lol, sorry. you can void her :/
I'm no longer lurking for Tom I got him thanks!
I'm no longer lurking for Marshal or Merengue! thanks for this great cycling thread c: