I'd like to lurk for Tia
Can I reserve Merengue?
No longer lurking for Whitney. I got her yesterday.
EDIT: nvm
I'd like to reserve boomer Incase I have space for him or bonbon can I reserve 2? If I don't have space for them is it okay if I don't get them? I'm sorry for the trouble.
Unlurking Molly, thank you!
Hello! May I lurk for Olivia instead of Ankha? I just got her as camper ^_^
Hi! Thanks~ No longer lurking for Marina c:
no longer lurking for chrissy
I'd like to reserve bonbon pls
Unlurking Molly today! Thank you Sally
Just wondering because of the title, is Lolly still available? :3
Could I lurk for Peanut, Alice, Sprinkle, and Cousteau?
Hi can i lurk for freya too please?