How did YOU find The Bell Tree Forums?


Apr 4, 2016
Small Mailbox
Just curious. Let's see if curiosity killed the cat, and if I get any replies!

My answer: I was just bored and searched 'acnl forums' and there was TBT! Now I'm a member~!
I used to love watching Jeremy's City Folk videos back in the day. I was so hyped for New Leaf and decided to join the forums to talk to other people about it while I waited for it to come out!
I was recommended by a close friend when she was showing me the villager popularity list
i think i was trying to find a forum to go on after pretty much leaving miiverse, and i thought 'hmm... what games am i interested in?' of course, animal crossing was one of them, so i did a search on animal crossing forums, and... well, you know the rest.

but i'm not really sure because that was eight months ago and i barely remember it.
When I was looking for pictures of Wart Jr. to stick on my wall I came across a lovely picture which linked me to The Bell Tree Forums.
A friend told me about it and he was browsing the Villager Trading Plaza. She saw Kid Cat there (one of my dreamies) and I immediately got myself an account and I've been here ever since. :>
I don't know. I think I just heard of this place before, so I joined it to get away from another AC forum that was (and still is)severely outdated. Needless to say, it failed.
I searched "animal crossing forum" and this was like the 1st or 2nd result. Ended up joining, but didn't really become active until August ^~^;
i searched "animal crossing new leaf villagers" and this popped up. been here ever since but i'm getting less active than i was before
I've been a ACNL fan for a while
I had broken my old 2ds and recently got a brand new one.
I needed help for PWPes so i looked up "ACNL pwp help" and i found this
I used to be active in Axa Forums and Animal Crossing Community. I remember ACC members in private threads always talking about how better it is than Bell Tree Forums. However, when New Leaf came out, a few of my friends were telling me how much better Bell Tree Forums was, so I decided to look up the site. I actually enjoy it more than ACC!
I was looking for a place to put my troubles of New Leaf and I don't know how I finally came across this.
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My friend (Who is never around anymore) on ACC was leaving ACC forever to move over here. I was worried so I followed in his footsteps. So I joined here, but couldn't find him anywhere. So now I use this site instead of any other AC forums. This is the only AC forum that isn't dead. I know ACC is trying, but can't.
I was looking up a glitch on AC:NL, when TBT popped up in the search results, and I noticed a lot of the interesting things and answers to my questions had results on TBT, so I explored a bit. I seen there was a market on here, and considering I just got ripped off on GameFAQs, I joined.

I've happily been addicted to TBT ever since.
I came looking for a guide, and then found this place for acnl. Actually, i knew about it back in the day when city folks were around. But i was too shy to join or to trade online even, so i didnt join back then. I have since gotten over it, ha, ha.