• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

How do you feel about the Gender Options in the game?

I'll have a male character but imma gonna wear dresses as I'm going to be a wizard style persona with robes and stuff :D. I cant wait!
(also, *sigh* at Leonn for being so close minded)
I don't like how they try to tell you which items are for boys and which are for girls; however, I do very much like the fact that girls can wear pants and boys can wear skirts. I guess here you can say that actions speak louder than words.

Society is still very dumb about this. We need to grow up. There's nothing wrong with a girl wearing pants (which thankfully western society has finally got this in some cases), and there's nothing wrong with a boy wearing a dress. They're just arbitrary lines drawn in the sand. They are meaningless, and we have no business keeping on following them if we don't wish to.

In other news, Nintendo of Japan is updating the new Tamagatchi Collection game to "fix" the same sex marriage feature.
Kind of a double standard thing going on over there.

Not necessarily. Although I'm not too happy that they thought that was something to 'fix'... It most likely wasn't personal and wasn't saying that homosexuality is actually something that needs to be fixed.

Anyway, my point is that it's not really a double standard because sexuality and gender identity are two completely separate concepts. I understand that the LGB is oftentimes combined with the T... But notice, not many people actually are thinking about the T portion when they say they are all for "LGBT rights". Notice how they're always talking about love, when it really doesn't have anything to do with being transgendered. Even though many of them mean well and actually are for transgendered rights, it bothers me when they pair them together when they're only really making a point about sexuality.
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The point here is that we finally have the option to dress characters however we want. If you want your boys in dresses and girls in pants, woohoo for you. If you don't, keep doing what you've been doing. AC, and New Leaf especially, is all about creating the kind of community you want. Adding this level of customization to clothing options fits within the philosophy of the game.
I think it's high time for men to stand up and fight for a broader acceptance of what masculinity is. You can wear a skirt or dress WITHOUT the intent of cross dressing. Like femininity there are MANY different forms of masculinity, you can wear a skirt and still consider yourself masculine. Just as we can wear pants and still be feminine. Gender is a spectrum, not a binary.
The other nice thing about this thread is that it's helping weed out the people I don't want added to my friends list in game! :p
Oh my xD ah I'd say "why cant we all just get along?", but clearly people are too different sometimes -shrug-

I love the new feature though, while my favorite outfits do consist of skirts and such, I won't want to wear one 24/7. Also trench coats yeeees~ I saw a nicely done organization XIII coat in the pattern section. :) it is clearly unisex too, which I like. Anyway though since things are interchangeable, I'll be changing up my look quite often now. I've got many many qr codes, and ideas of my own in mind.
Wow.....You guys are really ignorant huh? The guy (i'm assuming) said he was done, and yet you're all still attacking him, are you all 5? Leonn was being responsible, he was trying to end the conversation before it got into subjects not appropriate for people who may be on this forum, and you guys, like a bunch of kids at the playground, are continuing even when it's over. I will not reveal my opinion about the subject, but i can tell you this, I read through the whole thread, you people are putting words in his mouth, and twisting everything, which then leads people who didn't bother to go past the first page, to think that he's some evil loser. I mean he stated quite clearly that kilts and such(which what i understood, was he was trying to say other traditional wear) was not cross dressing, and yet you attack him as if he said the exact opposite. And you know what else, remember when he said that," just because something is acceptable to society, doesn't make it right"(or something like that) and you all attacked him for it? Well let me tell you something, slavery was legal for a llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time, and that was acceptable by society, so what leonn said is true, just because it's acceptable, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do.

Then you guys proclaim him closed-minded, really, really? So what your telling me, is that considering he has different opinions then you, that he just becomes closedminded? Let me tell you people something, calling someone closed minded, because he has different opinions, and different moral values then you do, is being closed-minded in and of itself, and from what I have read here, i can say with confidence that the only people i see being closed-minded here, are the people persecuting this person for his different views.
one point i'd like to make!!
a woman doing stereotypical 'manly' things usually is fine in society's eyes. maybe a big butch, but its usually fine.
but a man doing stereotypical girly things is often scorned. sexist much?

but i never understood why guys crossdressing is a big deal. so men looking more feminine is? what exactly? its becoming less socially acceptable to insult women's gender identity and call them less of a woman for what they do. why isn't it the same with men?
perhaps because men associating with the "weaker" gender is worse? :/
I think everyone is over-thinking this. The character models are pretty gender neutral in the first place lol
And you know what else, remember when he said that," just because something is acceptable to society, doesn't make it right"(or something like that) and you all attacked him for it? Well let me tell you something, slavery was legal for a llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time, and that was acceptable by society, so what leonn said is true, just because it's acceptable, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do.

This is a bit of a strange argument to make... Slavery is one of the things that society, fortunately, came to see as wrong. Another thing that we have, in a lot of civilized countries, been able to see as wrong, despite so many societies seeing it as wrong for a llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time are rigid gender roles - clothing being one of them.

That argument doesn't work so well for opinions stuck in the past, like if somebody were to state that slavery should come back, you wouldn't accept "just because something is acceptable to society, doesn't make it right" from them. Saying you can't crossdress is equally ridiculous with that argument, although obviously much less disgusting.

"Society" has been slowly moving, that is maturing, to the point of allowing men and women to dress the way they want (although it's mostly been women, because women have had a much longer road... You know, actually being able to show any of their skin to the public). To say "just because [it] is acceptable to society, doesn't make it right" is a rather ridiculous thing to say here, because this was never society's default position. It is one that society has had to come to from starting to mature and treat people equally.

i can say with confidence that the only people i see being closed-minded here, are the people persecuting this person for his different views.

Lol, "persecuting". Come back to me when he starts getting beat up at school for saying that men can't wear dresses. Or even worse, because we all know much worse has happened for men that dared to crossdress. Until then, don't ever say something as extreme as the word "persecution" to describe what he's dealing with here.
I guess what the bugs bunny avatar person failed to realize is that those who actually where in the original conversation have long since stopped :rolleyes: but yes guys, EVERYBODY BEAT THE DEAD HORSE NAOW C:
Ignorance is astounding at times.
This is a bit of a strange argument to make... Slavery is one of the things that society, fortunately, came to see as wrong. Another thing that we have, in a lot of civilized countries, been able to see as wrong, despite so many societies seeing it as wrong for a llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time are rigid gender roles - clothing being one of them.

That argument doesn't work so well for opinions stuck in the past, like if somebody were to state that slavery should come back, you wouldn't accept "just because something is acceptable to society, doesn't make it right" from them. Saying you can't crossdress is equally ridiculous with that argument, although obviously much less disgusting.

"Society" has been slowly moving, that is maturing, to the point of allowing men and women to dress the way they want (although it's mostly been women, because women have had a much longer road... You know, actually being able to show any of their skin to the public). To say "just because [it] is acceptable to society, doesn't make it right" is a rather ridiculous thing to say here, because this was never society's default position. It is one that society has had to come to from starting to mature and treat people equally.

My point stands, just because something is accepted by society doesn't mean that it's right. I didn't say it was as equally wrong, i just stated the fact that what leonn said is true, just because something is considered acceptable doesn't make it right.

""Society" has been slowly moving, that is maturing," Incase you haven't been able to get it through your mind, there are those, more then you think, that believe that society is getting worse, not maturing, and you can't just proclaim someone "closed-minded" because their opinions contradict yours.

I will use persecution, he said his opinion, and everyone is jumping on him with false accusations and calling him closed-minded for his opinions, and in turn, whether he cares or not, people wont be friending him now due to the ignorance of this childish group. Therefore he is being persecuted on this forum, not physically, but definitely on here.

Loviechu, you are guilty yourself of what you just said, and you are also 1 of the people who put words in his mouth, and i believe you owe him an apology
Loviechu, you are guilty yourself of what you just said, and you are also 1 of the people who put words in his mouth, and i believe you owe him an apology
Looney tunes person, get over yourself, and get off your high horse. It's the Internet, so all you can do about it is just image.jpg
Did someone just compare slavery to a male wearing female clothes... I can't even...
"I didn't say it was as equally wrong, i just stated the fact that what leonn said is true, just because something is considered acceptable doesn't make it right." do you even read the posts?

Stubborn stubborn stubborn , you sorry excuse for a pikachu.