• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

How do you feel about the Gender Options in the game?

I love that they changed it. It was rather stupid that the past AC games even had restrictions with gender like that. I can't wait to not wear a dumb dress :D I barely ever wear them in real life.

EDIT: I saw others are debating this, and I don't wanna get into it, but I'm very pro LGBT :) It's 2013 already, we need to get rid of our bigoted thinking.
In other news, Nintendo of Japan is updating the new Tamagatchi Collection game to "fix" the same sex marriage feature.
Kind of a double standard thing going on over there.
i am extremely excited for this feature!!! i fall outside the gender binary [kinda male-ish] so i'm super stoked to be able to dress my character up how i want!!
I personally really like being able to dress however I want in-game! It's much more like my real-life self.
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I don't know about you, but i'm against cross dressing. Enough said.

To be fair, cross dressing is actually what let women wear pants in the first place. One hundred years ago, a woman wearing pants instead of a skirt or dress gave people the same feeling you get when you think of a man wearing a dress or skirt. You have a gross double standard there, and I suggest trying to shed such a thing.

I personally with wear all clothes accessible in the game, although my player will be a boy. There are a lot of really nice dress patterns online to use, and I don't want to let them go to waste.
I'm totally on the train of thought that you CAN be a boy and wear a skirt... but that doesn't mean I won't judge you, and think a lot less of you. Call me set in my ways. I think you young gender benders are odd and have social-emotional developmental delays. Meaning that most kids had this gender issue for a day or a week but you've made the issue a crisis, and then use that crisis to define who you are. And if you're really so open to freedom of thought, and open mindedness, you'll nod and respect my opinion to think less of you, because that's how I choose to think. I won't picket your funeral or throw food at you, I respect that you're a human and you have a right to do as you please in this beautiful nation, but I certainly won't keep you in my company. I do not hate you, I just cannot respect you.

Now if you're going to be like Josh from The Bit Block and slap on a dress and run around going "I FEEL LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT!" this is another matter entirely. That's the difference between being serious about happily cross-dressing and joking about it.
I think you can unlock all the hair styles after you have all the ones done for your char. I saw that zedmex with a girl hair cut. It was a funny video:)
While I respect your right to your opinion, I disagree.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-dressing has a lot of useful information, but I will quote key points.
"most societies have had a set of social norms, views, guidelines, or even laws defining what type of clothing is appropriate for each gender. It does not, however, necessarily indicate transgender identity since a person who cross-dresses does not always identify as being of a gender other than their assigned gender."
"in Western society, trousers have been adopted for wear by women, and it is not regarded as cross-dressing. In cultures where men have traditionally worn skirt-like garments such as the kilt or sarong these are not seen as female clothing, and wearing them is not seen as cross-dressing for men. As societies are becoming more global in nature, both men and women are adopting styles of dress associated with other cultures.

It was once considered taboo in Western society for women to wear clothing traditionally associated with men, except in certain circumstances such as cases of necessity (as per St. Thomas Aquinas's guidelines in Summa Theologiae II),[7]

While this prohibition remained in force in general throughout the middle and early modern ages, this is no longer the case and Western women are often seen wearing trousers, ties, and men's hats. Nevertheless, many cultures around the world still prohibit women from wearing trousers or other traditionally male clothing."

On a less serious note, as a woman who almost always wears pants, I intend to have 1 male cross-dressing characters. Mostly because my strange sense of humor finds it hilarious, and partly because 1 of the male faces looks like it is wearing makeup.
It's about time, I can finally retire those bloomers I'm always forced to wear.
I can't respect the opinions of someone who says they can't and wont respect someone else for their choice of lifestyle.

Anyways, you're like 25 treasured, not 50. You aren't much older than the people who were debating this in the first place :rolleyes: myself included.
I think it's a pretty cool addition to the game! I'm glad girls can wear pants and shirts now and that guys can wear dresses/skirts. It's a matter of preference and if someone wants to rock a skirt/dress/pants - good for them! Animal Crossing is a game that allows us to do whatever the hell we want. I'm glad Nintendo's giving us more freedom in regards to customising our characters.
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I'm totally on the train of thought that you CAN be a boy and wear a skirt... but that doesn't mean I won't judge you, and think a lot less of you. Call me set in my ways. I think you young gender benders are odd and have social-emotional developmental delays. Meaning that most kids had this gender issue for a day or a week but you've made the issue a crisis, and then use that crisis to define who you are. And if you're really so open to freedom of thought, and open mindedness, you'll nod and respect my opinion to think less of you, because that's how I choose to think. I won't picket your funeral or throw food at you, I respect that you're a human and you have a right to do as you please in this beautiful nation, but I certainly won't keep you in my company. I do not hate you, I just cannot respect you.

Why does something being odd mean you have to look down on it?

i don't condone single picture posts so don't do them. i can only do them because im a MOD.

That's slightly patronizing.
OK, I've read it all... I agree and disagree with certain things I've read. While it's been an interesting read where balanced opinions have been written, also some very unbalanced ones at times, all I'm going to say is: I'm gonna wear it ALL!!!!!!!
I love them; I think they really encompass the freedom that Animal Crossing is about! Anything less and I wouldn't love the game so much.
I think it's great that they haven't gender-locked the clothes. I'm know gonna switch up my style urrday... well, probably not in the beginning because of the lack of bells, ha.
I think it's great. I'm female and hate wearing dresses and skirts. It's nice that I don't have to make any girl characters wear them if I don't want to.

Edit: And for the cross-dressing thing, it's interesting being in Japan now. I grew up in the US. Yes, most men in Japan are stuck wearing suits during the work week. But during the weekends, there's no holds barred. For anyone. There's plenty of Japanese men I see wearing things that I'm pretty sure a lot of American guys would find feminine looking. For instance, pink shirts. Or skirts. And Japanese guys seem to be fine with cosplaying girl characters. And, unlike men at American anime cons who cross dress, they aren't generally doing it for the lulz or attention as much. They generally are trying to look like the character. Sometimes it's hard to tell if a cosplayer *is* male or female. But you know what? I don't think it damages their masculinity at all. I've seen some Japanese guys wear skirts in a way that looks quite masculine (think how kilts look distinctly masculine, but these weren't kilts). So... Yeah. I think people should wear whatever they want to wear. Yes, some people look odd in what they choose to wear, but you can run into the same thing when people are wearing so called gender appropriate clothes too.
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