How honest are you, or how often do you lie?

How often do you lie?

  • I'm never lie

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • I lie sometimes

    Votes: 29 90.6%
  • I'm a compulsive liar

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 28, 2022
Sautéed Mushrooms
Playful Scenery
Friendly Ghost Plush
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Shadow Kitty Plush
Fancy Kitty Plush
I've had my fair share of lying (oops) but I'm honest most of the time, especially towards my parents. Nowadays I just tell the truth to them when I screw up, even when it means getting in trouble for it. It makes me feel bad when I'm punished, but I figure it's for my own good anyway because it means I'm learning my lesson.
I can't really give a solid answer. I'm somewhere between "I never lie" and "I sometimes lie."

It's rare I find myself in situations that I would lie. More often than not, I tell the truth. What reasons are there to lie? Sometimes, I think I'm too honest. I open up to people too quickly and find myself in bad situations as a result (ie: being taken advantage of or saying too much and having people turn on me).
i lie sometimes. it's really complicated, it's a case to case basis and i tell the truth for the most part, but there are just some cases where the consequences severely outweigh the benefits so i'd rather not say.

but i'm not a pathologic liar. i know what that is and ive dealt with someone like that who absolutely ruined my life. if there's one thing i will never be, it's lying to throw people under the bus just to uplift myself. to this day the one person i know to be a pathologic liar is still going around spreading stuff about me and my friends that are absolutely untrue, it's been really stressful but we decided to just not give him any of our energy and instead let everyone else know he's not a good person.
I don't like lying so I do it very rarely. I will usually just end up not saying something at all instead of lying about it. But it also depends on the person and the topic..

I know I was much worse with lying when I was younger, though.
I think its only natural to lie now and then? As long as it doesn't hurt other people, small white lies should be fine sometimes
Depends on how well people can handle the truth/the situation. If I'm usually dealing with someone every day, I'll try not to stir the pot and only lie when it's critical about personal things.
I hate lying and liers. There is a saying I love “Tell the truth and shame the devil”. I would give a vague excuse if I didn’t want to do something or if asked about a haircut or something then try and find something positive? I just can’t lie and hate the feeling if I do.
I really hate when people lie. I would much rather hear the truth from someone no matter how hurtful. The only time I would lie is more of a white lie such as if a surprise was being organised for someone and were planning something else.
Edit: I don't know if this counts as a lie as such, but I often tell people I'm fine when they ask 'How are you?' when I'm not.
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I never lie, no matter what. In fact I'm honest and transparent to a fault, and anyone who knows me in real life would say the same. I also have a strong dislike for people who lie since I value honesty above all else in a person.
I grew up around a religious family. Instead of lying, I will skirt around a question like a politician if there's something I don't want to talk about. That's how my family is.

We were taught not to lie and that's ingrained into me. Anything else is.fair game.

"SkyKnight, did you eat all the cake while we were gone"?

"You guys bought cake? What flavor was it"?

(No direct yes or no).
It depends on the situation. But most of the time, I'm honest about things that I talk about. I didn't like the concept of lying, or being lied to behind my back. If I were to show my genuine thoughts, it'll be the people who I trust or who I'm close with. Or if there's something gone sour or bitter, I'll just say nothing at all. Compulsive lying would make things more complex that it ever seem and it'll hurt others in a long time.

I'm basically a realist in this sort of topic I suppose.
In most cases I hate lying and I think it usually makes the situation worse in the long run. I used to be against all lying without question, but I realised that it's sometimes necessary for safety reasons. I've occasionally had to lie by omission to protect my privacy, but even that feels bad and I wouldn't do it if I could avoid it.
My parents really instilled the importance of not lying in me, so I do my best not to do it. I do little lies like keeping surprises a secret, or if I get embarrassed about something. Usually, if it's bad, I feel bad shortly after and confess 😅
Pretty sure if someone is a compulsive liar they wouldn't tell you anyway. I mean that's their whole shtick right? So how do I know any of you are telling the truth huh huh!?

lmao I'm just messing with you all. ❤️
I think I lie a lot! But I don't think it's intentional. I think it's because... Sometimes I don't listen to my body, or sometimes I'm afraid of admitting I don't know something, or am afraid of confrontation... I call myself out on it too. Like, someone might ask me if I'm hungry or need to use the rest room, and Ill say 'No, I'm fine!' but then maybe 5 min later I might realize that was incorrect, so I'd say something like 'Oops, sorry I lied earlier, I actually DO need something to eat'.
Or maybe I tell someone something like 'Hey, dinner will be ready at 6!' but then something comes up, so I'll say 'Oops, I lied, I actually need more time. Let's plan to eat at 6:30.' or "sorry, I lied, I only have 3 potatoes, not 5 like I thought! Whoops!"

For Doctor Who fans, there was a saying going around called "Moffat lies!" He was one of the showrunners. And he was often redirecting nosy fans who would try and ask about spoilers, or he would try and promote a certain thing about an episode or storyline but omit a key thing he wanted to be a surprise for everyone. So in that case, I think his lying was justified. But it became such a common thing that we all knew to expect the misdirection.
i would say sometimes. i probably white lie more than i realize, and of course the "classic" lie is saying you're fine when you're not lol. i used to lie on the internet A Lot when i was in my early teens. (better than disclosing real information, i guess?)
There are certainly situations that arise where a little white lie feels like the better option, or when an actual lie feels necessary, but generally I try to be honest as often as possible.