Oh my. A LONG time!!! A little over 10 years ago, I found this gem! Soooo many memories! Finding some dreamies, working on my catalogue, and becoming friendly with so many members (soooooo many that are no longer here 

). I remember becoming part of a villager cycling group when I got my 2nd ACNL town. Ahhhh I miss so many of those guys!!! Meeting my 2 besties that I still talk to multiple times a week if not daily and coordinating quite a few on site ACNL events together. I’ve def had times where I took breaks from here, esp when I got really into Pokémon go and am in a really large local community with that but I’ve really been trying to be more involved here the last couple of years. It def took a bit since my 2 besties don’t really come on here often but I’ve found another set of friends on here that I am so so grateful for. I really think they are the reason I’m still here. They made me feel so welcome when I hadn’t felt that way in such a long time. Not because other members are mean or anything like that. I just felt kind of alone after so many of my buds had left, and I had a LOT of real life sorrow go on during that time as well. Now I feel like I’m a little bit back to my normal self and with the staff being so generous with the last few events (especially involving teamwork) I feel so very much more involved. Dang. Sorry for the novel. I hadn’t intended on that.