How Many people have NOT Flattened/Reset their islands and/or have no intention of doing so?

Who here is keeping their OG island and doesn't plan on resetting it whatsoever?

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I’m attached to my island even though it’s messy and covered in flowers. It’s mine and I’m quite sentimental. I’m also lazy, impatient and hate replaying things. My island reminds me of past villagers I’ve had( good and horrible) and I celebrated my first in game birthday thrown by my starter jock tank who gave me his photo and eventually moved away. I was quite attached to him and regret letting him leave. So I could never erase my island. Too many memories
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I am! Though I did just start a secondary island. But my main island, Woodland, I have from... let's see, I think March 21st 2019? I haven't reset since, and I've done minimal terraforming. I made sure to pick a layout I loved and could work with. I change up some of the different areas from time to time, but I don't think I'd ever be able to manage a full flattening. That'd be way too intense for me, hence why I planned ahead to avoid it, lol.
The only thing i dislike is my placement of rocks (to few/small) and the size of my peninsula but otherwise I love my island, fruit and airport color. I did flatten it once (almost all of it) but im quite happy with it now. Many memories. So i would never reset.
My island has been like 90% done and there has been so much progress since release date that I am not just willing to do it all over again. I enjoy my island so I have no need to reset.
I wont to restart because I have put too much effort into my main island and I feel like if I restart out hate myself for it
I like my island as is after changing it a lot before my current setup. Plus changing it would be to tedious for me I don't have it in me anymore. lol
I was never going to alter my island at all unless they unveiled new buildings. Even if The Roost got its own building, I still had a spot ready for it.
I already had a farm built for fruit/bamboo/pumpkins so all I had to do to accommodate the new cooking items was add a couple more spaces to the pumpkin patch, no biggie.

I have complete catalogs (pre 2.0), and it was such a headache acquiring everything that I couldn't imagine going through that again...and now with the ton of stuff the new update added...I wish the completionists the best of luck resetting lol
Well it finally happened. I have restarted my 2nd island yet again but this time I did something different. I was able to transfer my Resident who had most of the stuff on the island with them. So what I did was move the Resident off the island to Destiny (main island) and then I deleted the save data from the 2nd switch. Then I made the Resident from Destiny move again this time to the 2nd switch and I was surprised that it worked. I still had my fully upgraded home, all my nook miles, bells, and stuff from storage was still there. As well as my catalog and items that I have in my pockets! This is the best thing I've ever done and its like a new game+ to me.
As everyone else stated, I've spent pretty much way over 1,130+ hours on my island lmaoo, gathering all those nook miles, getting the rare villagers I wanted, bells, furniture including unorderables and the recipes 2.0 and prior are all hard work. Even the the process to get all the construction permits and doing everything in general it's just verrrrrrry time consuming. I will never understand those that did a lot in game and can reset it all.
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I reset because I was going through a rough time when I started, and I had tied my first island way too much into that. Now I'm doing better, and have a better island that I intend to keep.
I didn't reset my first island since I share it with my kid but I did start a new island for just me on a second Switch.
I only reset on release day, when I wanted certain a certain map + apples + airport color. Other than that, I haven’t and have no intention to. Flattening and building from scratch seems like it would be way too much work for me. It’s much easier to just edit and change what’s there already. Plus, I would never reset after everything I’ve done. That’s all my money, items, nookmiles/milestones, and overall work just gone. I’m not throwing away 800 hours of progress lol, and I’m pretty content with what I’ve made. I have a second island anyway, that still has many decorating opportunities!

If I had to choose between resetting and flattening, though I’d pick flattening. Resetting in this game isn’t necessary anymore, unless you’re trying to change your townhall location/airport color.
i haven’t! i’ve had my island since launch, and while it certainly won’t be complete anytime soon, nor is it perfect, i love it way too much and have made too much progress with it to ever reset. ☺

however, i may flatten my island one day as i’m not too happy with my current layout — i haven’t decided yet, though aha.
i didn’t understand why everyone was resetting their games and starting from scratch “for the update” as you basically need to be past the intro and hopefully far into the grind in order to enjoy the update content to the fullest... i didn’t do anything to my island personally because i haven’t played much before 2.0 so it was pretty “raw”, but even if i had a build island i’d never consider getting rid of it all and starting from 0 again.... it just seems so tedious and i’ve seen people say that they’re burning out from the rushing through the early stage TT
I did it once but definitely do not have the intention of doing it again. Just took forever and while it was worth it in the end, just was mindless the whole time doing it. Creativity can be a struggle as well.
I originally intended to never reset, but a few weeks ago I realised that I wanted my island to progress naturally, without TTing, so to really get back into the game, I restarted.
That was a few days before the direct, so I didn't know that a huge update was about to drop, and in retrospect, the timing wasn't exactly great. The first two weeks were super tedious, and now that 2.0 is out, I feel almost a little overwhelmed- my house isn't fully extended, my shop hasn't upgraded yet and didn't offer any of the new items so far and I only unlocked two of the merchants on Harv's island.
I definitely would have not restarted just for the update, it is too much to take care of at once and to be completely honest, I'm not even sure if I might have kept my old island had I known about all of the new content.
Regardless, the one time I reset (not counting the several tries to get an orange airport) was meant to be a one time thing, I don't intend to ever do it again, especially because of how tedious the beginning of the game is.
Flattening, however, is definitely an option.
i've reset twice now, just because i lost motivation for the first one and the second one due to problems with my nintendo account, and im currently flattening my third one so i have more space to decorate and terrform :)
I don’t really understand why people are resetting tbh, I don’t plan to, I never reset my games because I did once in wild world as a kid and regretted it lol, but I am confused why people are resetting and am genuinely curious what resetting has to do with 2.0 lol also I like my heart shaped pond that I got without terraforming so I don’t want to let that go
I did but for several reasons.

When I started the game, I knew nothing about what could be changed or not and that there were various local fruits, colours, etc. By now I had ideas about what I liked and wanted and could pick my island better.

But mostly, I bought the OLED with the intention of giving the other switch to my 5yo son for Christmas. He lives on my original island and the big experience for him is the museum. I didn’t want to transfer the island and take away his familiar spot and friends with a nearly complete museum. So my original island will now be his to enjoy. Plus I was able to flip a lot of my diy supplies, bells and recipe duplicates to get my new island going. Not to mention, exploiting turnip profits (I tt the old switch to spikes and the new one to Sundays and then just buy and sell for an hour or so to fill up my bank account).

It was a win win!