• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

How many permanent rocks do you have?

I have around 7, and some of them are in the way of things, but I'll have to just work around them :p
I have 7 and most are in good spots. One or two were kind of in the way at first, but with a little extra planning I was able to work them into my layout. I hardly even notice them now.
My town used to have s bunch. I swear I had at least eight rocks. They were everywhere and in the most obscure places, nonetheless.
I have six! Never thought to count until i saw this thread. Only one of them is on my divided part of the map (my map has a river that cuts though the middle starting from the right side of the map and going towards the beach but then juts down in the middle of the map (aligned with the town hall) then hooks to the right and juts down again)
I have 5 permanent rocks. None of them are in a really inconvenient place either, they’re all somewhere along my town’s paths which is nice.
Seeing this thread pop up reminded me that I didn't check how many rocks my new town has... if I recall from the top of my head, I think my newest town has.. 6 rocks?
I have Eight Rocks, some of them were kind and stayed next to cliffs so find the money rocks would be without needing any holes of bushes but the others were mean one got in the way of perfect places for paths, lol.
I have eight rocks in my town. They are kind of annoying (especially looking for the money rock every day). Besides that though, they don?t cause me many problems.
I have 6 rocks, i'm pretty lucky i think... i cant imagine a town with 9 rocks. oO
Only one of mine is a problem, is very close to town hall.
I have eight rocks. Luckily, none of them are that big of a deal and lie just one space after where all my paths went. That renders most of them useless money rock-wise but hey, I’d rather that than a rock in the middle of my paths.
Argh I have too many! Like 6, or 7!! But I always plant a tree in front of them. It works and I pretend they don’t exist lol!!!
I didn?t actually know you could have different amounts. Every town I?ve ever had has had 7 rocks. I thought 7 was always the amount! The more you know.