I'm Happy To Announce, After Eight Years, The Return Of The Bell Tree Fair

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in reference to what justin posted:

if not why the hell not u slow mods :{

regardless i hope this is all fun and goes smoothly and the mods don't work so hard they explode get too tired
I was going to make a hand turkey but I was too busy. I'm still really excited though.
Yay 2 tickets. I hope that the riddles aren't as brain injuring as last time. My family thought I was nuts. I am really looking forward to this. Yay Bell Tree. Happy Ninth Birthday.
I will be asleep but I hope I wake up soon to get in the action! :blush:

I'm curious as to how we earn tickets. I hope it's by spamming and not by solving any of those bloody riddles that don't help me sleep at night @>@
When is it starting exactly? And tickets...hmm.

(Sad there was no hand turkey collectible)
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That's what I would like to know >:U I've been stalking The Bell tree all day waiting for the fair to start.

And everyone seems to be saying that they won't be on...but how do they know that? Or are they just being pessimistic...
I promise that it'll be starting sometime today! It's a lot of work to get all this stuff together and ready to push live for you guys. It's looking good though, I'm sure you'll all enjoy what we have planned.
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How much longer? ;o; I'm supposed to be doing my homework but I'm too excited for the fair xD
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